
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:55:26
75米,38米,他站在凳子上比书柜高0.08米.凳子高多少米? 一个书架最上排的书距离底面的高度是小明身高的1.4倍,小明站在高0.4米的椅子上,能拿到最上排的书吗?(椅子高0.4米,3米)我是这么列式的 怎么错了呢?1.4×1.3=1.82(m)1.3+0.4=1.7(m)1.82m>1.7m 翻译中文:happy is all that i pursue ,no matter whoever says whatever…… 求各位帮我翻译 The most happy matter is to need not follow you stealthily,but can stand to say I live__Garden Road.A.behind B.over C.on D.under没有打错 how have you ___the bike?A bought B borrowed C had D lent 请问一种,叶革质,叶互生,全缘,先端渐尖,现在的季节,果实(毛绿)像昆虫的头部带着一对触角株高2米多,请问是哪种植物?叶椭圆形 如图,湘中灌木,土称甜茶,高约2米,枝多,像山茶子树,叶革质,白花,果纺锤状,长2cm,叶有甜味.这是啥植物? Grany wang is ill.The children will go to ___(see/meet)her in the hospital.为什么里面填的是see而不是meet? The boy () ill and had to see a doctor.为什么 求辩论稿!Is the national entrance examination the best means for Chinse universities?是反方,急!要全英文的!谢谢了~~~~ 求william golding写作风格的英文介绍 lily's dad asks a girl___help.A.to B.for That sweater looks good___you.A.at B.of C.on The jacket looks good on you.同义句______looks good ________ the jacket. 这是什么植物的叶子,学名及归属. the red sweater looks great on you 后一句 Ⅰ.单选.( )1.John’s grandparents live _______ him ________Shanghai.A.in; with some thing that many chinese people do can be considered rudeor not polite i翻译句子 如题 花有重开日 人无再少年是诗句吗 Martin____go to parties.He thinks______ he likes to parties is a good way to meet people.帮我填上 we offered her our congratulation--- her passing the college entrance exam 填on还是for 水光潋滟晴方好的后句是什么? 水光潋滟晴方好的下半句是? 水光潋滟晴方好的下几句 He doesn't know the way,补全问号 着急 he know the way I live in shizhuang,a city not far from Beijing帮忙翻译一下 求00009政治经济学的各章重点简答题! 过去完成时与as soon as连用在短文填空中遇到一句:As soon as the traveler had gone on his journey,the shop assistant made a watch exactly the same type.(原文大意就是店员帮旅行者做了一个手表和他之前坏掉的一 关于月亮的神话或者传说没个40字以内,要2个说出主要情节撒` 谁告诉我几个天空之中容易辨别、方便定位的星星? 四川大学考博英语题型有什么?