
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 08:54:14
体检尿常规:尿蛋白弱阳性,尿胆红素阳性,尿胆元弱阳性,尿维生素阳性请问正常吗?尿蛋白弱阳性,尿胆红素阳性,尿胆元弱阳性,尿维生素阳性. 尿路感染会引起尿蛋白高吗?我尿蛋白在10年下半年一直是+-.过年的时候已经治疗好了.医生说是尿路感染,让我做了妇科检察也是百细胞多.但是最近一次检察又不正常了.尿蛋白加减,百细胞2加. 我的叔叔于勒中先后写了两封信,这两封信在小说中起什么作用? “悲哀” 怎么造句?请造至少三个句子 悲哀造句 He is a good boy and he often does things ()his classmates.介词填空,用初一下学期第五单元知识点.急紧急! The boy is good at math,but he does _____ EnglishThe boy is good at math,but he does _____ English_______. 写年终总结开头该怎么写 they are playing football on the field.改一般疑问句做否定回答 已知数列an中 a1=-3,an=2an-1+2^n+3 (1)设bn=(an+3)/2^n,证bn为等差数列 (2)求an的通项公式 设数列{AN}的首项A1=1且{AN+1 -AN}是首项为3,公差为2的等差数列 我知AN=N^2,求an通项,证之 数列(an),a1=1,当n≥2,其前n项和Sn满足Sn^2=an(Sn-1)证(1/Sn)是等差数列.设bn=log以2为底Sn/S(n+2),bn的前n项和Tn,求满足Tn≥6的最小正整数n 高—:2Sn=a(n+1)(这是数列第n+1项)-2^n+1十1,且a1,a2+5,a3成等差,求通项an. 英语翻译RT.因为最近期末了,有个期末论文要写,我学医的,但是有些词汇实在是翻译无能……所以拜托英语帝帮帮忙!拜谢~另:用【整句翻译】和【任何翻译工具】的请点击右上角的红叉叉… I agreed with what he said at the meeting的同义句I am ___ ___ what he said at the meeting all the students____at the meeting agreed with what he saidA.present B.were present C.presentingD.presented选什么,为什么? My father is a cook,but he never_______(cook)at home. My father is a good cook.保持原句意思My father __ __ __cooking My father is a good (cook).怎么填,为什么 正数列An,前n项和Sn是An平方和An的等差中项,求An 已知各项均为正数的数列an,满足(a n+1+a n)(a n+1-2a n)=0,(n=N*)且a3+2是,a2,a4的等差中项.1证明数列an是等比数列并求通项公式an.2若bn=-na n,Sn=(b1+b2+.+b n),求sn.注n+1 n都在前一位的下角标.最 已知数列{an}满足a1=1,an=2a(n-1)+2^n(n≥2,n∈N*) (1)求证数列{an/2^n}是等差数列(2){an}的通向公式(3){an}的前n项和为sn.求证sn/2^n>2n-3只要回答第三问就行了. football pitch是什么意思 the football pitch. football pitch可以指足球场吗?说出理由谢谢 Peter is a good student and he never makes t____ at school. Peter is a middle school student.He is tall,and 1.l strong.He usually plays ball games for an hour after school.Then he meets up with Simon,one of his good 2.f ,and they go home 3.t .Peter and Simon are good friends.They often 4.w Peter is a good student except that he is sometimes careless.Peter is a good student 是主语?是个复合句吗? 在单词"field"前的介词是"in"还是"on".不管是用哪一个,希望能给出相应的解释.但是我在《新概念英语》第二册的第七课里面却发现是用"on the airfield",请问是有这种用法,还是书本印刷错误? 已知数列an满足 a1=1,an=2a(n-1)+2^(n+1)+1,证明an+1/2^n为等差数列,并求出该数列前n项的和 with,is,the,field,active,playing,interested,football,on,boy,in,a,football 连词组句 已知数列AN满足an=1 且an=2A(n-1)+2的N次 1求a1a2 (2)证明数列AN/2n次是等差 (30)前N项和SN