
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 08:14:42
1.France is a country.there are many beautiful places in france.(合并句子)France is a country__ __ __ __ .Why don't you visit france this year?(改为同义句)__ __ __france this year?3.Dick likes basketball mote than other sports.(改 there are many beautiful lakes and mountains ()are worth visiting when you travel in the country.中间用A what they where that 设集合A={x/x^2-2x+2m+4},B={x/x失误,不好意思,A集合等于0 在一个数或一个字母的右上角是这个数的平方,那右下角的是什么?比如这个:“a₁” “1”叫什么? 哪位大神能帮我看看这篇托福作文看能给多少分As for a student, grades played significant roles in my school time.it seems that people always have a desire to compare. So there is no doubt that grades are what people are competing.I 求大神改托福作文,顺便说下大概多少分,马上要考了.写的不好求轻喷Do you agree or disagree with following statement?The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.Withthe unprecedented progress of socie 英语A级准考证号最后是单数就是a卷双数就是b卷? 下面竖式中的字母A、B、C、D、E各代表什么数字?A 0 B C 3-D 7 2 E=777A=(  )B=(  )C=(  )D=(  )E=( ) 长城在英语里是单数还是双数 求改托福作文并评分.题目是Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.希望批改要详细,尽量能把语法错误都指出来,如果改得好可以再加分. 托福作文求改正和评分agree or not,getting advice from friends of an older age would be more valuable than from friends your own ageWhen people are facing difficulties,theyalways tend to get advices from friends at their own ages; I think thi 托福作文求评分Topic72 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.It has been a long time for teachers to use grades to encourage st 已知反应A+3B=2C+D中,C和D的相对分子质量之比为22:9,现有4.6gA与一定质量的B恰好完全反应后可生成8.8gC,该反应中B和D的质量比为? 已知P(x0,y0)是圆x^2+y^2=a^2内异于圆心的点,则直线x*x0+y*y0=a^2与圆位置关系是()? 一个小数,若把它的小数点向右移动一位,则新小数与原小数之和是49.5原小数是() 求当点按(x,y)在以原点为圆心,a为半径的圆上运动史,点(x+y,xy)的轨迹方程 汶川地震时韩寒,郭敬明等80后作家捐款了吗 在下列各式的括号内填上恰当的项:(1)a+b-c+b=-a+( ); (2)-a-b-c+d=-( )+d;(3)-a+b-c+d=-a+b-( );(4)-a+b-c+d=-( ).马上要关电脑了.快..等待ing. 设f(x)=3ax-2a+1若存在X0∈(-1,1)使得f(X0)=0,则实数a的取值范围是多少看不懂题的补充一点:X0读作X零,也就是零在X右下角 眼神的表情 33 是什么意思 -3-表情什么意思 (*^3^)这个表情啥意思? (○` 3′○)这个表情什么意思 _(:3ゝ∠)_这个表情什么意思啊 德语简单陈述句的词语顺序有什么规则吗看见句子:In Deutschland sprechen viele Menschen Deutsch.Dort kauft er Autos.为什么主语放那么后面啊,不是说在第二位的吗? 德语的一些常用句型,好的话可以追加!Nachmittags ist kein Unterricht.如果英文角度看这就是个倒装,但是这种句型在德语中非常正常,甚至普遍.比如情态动词的框型结构什么的,也很多.我现在就是想 德语单词 das Interview 造句 急需德语议论文的写作模版 最好有一些常用句型的罗列 谢谢! 柳桂九褥丝,花飘万家雪写的是哪一季节 柳挂九衢丝, 现在已知宇宙的质量和大小,那么它应不应该有个中心?这中心不一定是宇心质量点而是物理中心有地心 日心 银心,本星系也该是多维的吧?为啥没有宇心? 柳桂九()丝,花瓢万家雪是什么季节