
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 11:39:51
瓦特发明了蒸汽机,爱迪生发明了电灯泡,贝尔发明了电话,莱特兄弟发明了飞机,还有谁发明了什么? 用英语介绍一下淘宝网的特点那位高人能用英语介绍一下阿里巴巴旗下C2C淘宝网的特点啊··词语句子都行··尽量全一点··谢谢了 求与凤凰有关的成语!比如:浴火重生…… 凤凰的成语有没有关于凤凰、吉祥的成语 写几个与凤凰有关的成语 写几个与凤凰有关的成语, 车原有(3m-1)人,中途下车一半,又上车若干人,车上现有(8m-5n)人,上车多少人?当m=10,n=8,上车多少人 【盗墓笔记】怎么翻译成英语? A: We haven't seen such a beautiful day for a long time.B:You are right.It rained so much last week.A:And when the rain stopped the sky was gray.B:Now it's all sunshine,isn't it nice?A:I hope it will last.B:The weather report says it might rain again 带“凤凰”的四字成语. 英语翻译在我的博客里 求翻译 所有分都给出来了 What does big fish nean in She's trying to get some big fish on board What does "big fish"nean in "She's trying to get some big fish on board"?Plesse answer it in English. 拿分!跪等英文翻译!请把:福建金泰旅游事业发展有限公司 翻译成英文!格式要正确!谢谢! What did she ____(do)this morning?she ____(eat)some cheese 很好拿分的英语翻译保持自己的生活方式 What does'big fish'mean in 'She is trying to get some big fish on board'? 英语翻译 I hope our friendship will lasting forever.语法有错吗?同上 I hope our friendship will Iast forever 什么意思 已知电流表的内阻0.1欧姆,量程为0~0.6要改成3安培的电流表,需要用多少欧姆电阻与其什么联? 女人的生理欲望最强烈时在多大年龄?24岁女人,想知道自己生理的整个过程. 女人几岁开始渴望性?确定用“渴望”这个词 明天要带雨衣用英语怎么说 They ___ about the TV news then in the sitting-room.They often ___ such talks.A talked;hadB talk;haveC were talking;hadD are talking;haveC和D选哪个, 这个小女孩穿着雨衣用英语怎么说 This is the_____(twin)study.they often study in it .空格填什么 外面在下雨,把雨衣穿上.用英语怎么说? this is my room ,that is the ___(twin) room 他花费二十美元买了一件雨衣 用英语怎么说 转述句they say :"they are listening to the radio in this room now ."1 they say :"they are listening to the radio in this room now ."they say they___ listening to the radio in ___ room___ .2 “You'd better take no.104 bus to the hospital,Tim . 一个男的戴着一顶大帽子,穿着一件雨衣用英语怎么说 和凤凰有关的成语