
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 05:06:19
雅思G类 口语雅思g类 口语part1,3做的不错 part2有点坑 he和she老错但是自己改正了 时间不够 考官让我又说了点 请问能到五分吗不错就是和考官交流不错 没有大的问题 每个问题都能回答三四句 雅思口语怎么准备 What mistakes do you often make?和回答 Why do you often make your mother ____ about you?(worry) make mistakes 为什么不用do mistakes 英语翻译全文Recently,the “Clean Plate Campaign” has been very popular with many people.Our government is doing its best to build an economized society.As a middle school student,I think we should join in the campaign.We can start the things He who laughs last laughs the hardest什么意思 TCL彩色电视出现画面变小(整个),有人说是逆程电容容值变小,下面有图片求网友告诉我哪两个是逆程电容? 电视中,行逆程电容变小会怎么影响偏转电流?产生什么后果? 本来会计的主要内容就是依据原始凭证编记账凭证,再登记明细账、总账,编制报表? They prefer--to-----Asing dance Bsinging dancing Csing dancing选什么 为什么 各种会计账务处理程序下,登记明细账的依据可能有( ).A.原始凭证 B.汇总原始凭证 C.记账凭证 D.各种会计账务处理程序下,登记明细账的依据可能有( ).A.原始凭证B.汇总原始凭证C.记账凭证D.汇 I prefer ------ to ------A.sing;dance B.singing;dancing C.singing;dance D.sing;danceing 写出单词的复数形式pig,egg,box,boo k,pen,knife 把下列单词变成复数:cat pencil chair rabbit apple hen pig cow goat lamb sheep look like 怎么用?能接完整句吗?the paintings look like they were painted in this century but were really painted in the sixteenth century.这句话对吗? on the street还是in the street 200 head of cattle是还是200 heads of subject 意思 +D的过去式有哪些 直接+d的过去式有哪些?二十个~ 把下列词语分成几类写下来猎狗 跳 按 雪猴 杨柳 捶 跃梧桐 擂 喜鹊 蹦 石榴 麻雀 跑 拍 把下面的词语分两类写下来.守株待兔 千方百计 视死如归 夸夸其谈走投无路 喜出望外 目中无人 斩钉截铁同心协力 垂头丧气 盛气凌人 从容不迫赞许的或好的有:( ).不赞成或坏的有:( 过去式后面是不是要加dLike是动词还是名词还是… clean the 现在究竟是人快乐还是其他动物谢谢了,人在干嘛呢 下列加粗词语使用不正确的一项是A、200多年来,世界各国数以万计的探险家不畏冰山阻挡,不畏风暴严寒,前仆后继地奔赴南极,进行科学考察.B、自然科学领域中有许多不可思议的神秘现象,正 台的下面加个心字是什么字? 谁能跟我用拟人的手法造几个句子? The football team( )for over ten hours every day.中间填什么 The place he ________ is quite far from here.The place he ________ is quite far from here. A. suggested hold the meeting B. suggested to hold the meeting C. suggested holding the meeting D. suggested should hold the meeting答案是选B难道 The palce he ________is quite ar from here from here.suggested to hold the meeting 不是求翻译,而是建议做某事的短语应该是suggest doing sth。没看到过suggest to do sth