
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 09:35:58
the doctor said that _________she felt hot and thirsty 主题:我和我的祖国副标题:读{...}有感 歌颂我国建国六十周年翻天覆地的变化人民艰苦奋斗 奋发图强 开拓创新的精神风貌社会主义建设所取得成就演讲稿 大概5-8分钟 主题我与我的祖国 语言生动憾人 能引起听着注意共鸣 情景对话“这位女士,你好”英文怎么说不知对方结婚没有 hey.you know what you are my first lady 这句英文的中文是什么意思? 美丽的树 英语短文 是一位gentlemen和一位lady的对话中文大意是:有一棵树,名字叫作美丽的树.人们不明白它为何叫美丽的树,因为它看上去很普通.人们问它,你为何叫美丽的树呢?树不作声.终于 Say the days of the week We donated money yesterday.The money will be used to help homless kids合为一句The money()()yesterday will be used to help homeless kids We donated money yesterday.The money will be used to help homless kids定语从句The money()()yesterday will be used to help homeless kids B____theticket money and the donated money will be semt to China Disabled People Union 摩羯座由哪几颗星星组成?乱说者.是猪! 摩羯座有哪几颗星星组成?要写出星星的名字.主要 摩羯座是由那几颗星星组成的? 摩蝎座由多少个星星组成? 魔蝎座主要由哪几颗星星组成?巨蟹座呢? 绅士们该说的到底是lady first 还是ladies first?是跟人数有关吗,一位女士时说lady first; 而多位女士时则用ladies first?还是习惯用准其中一个? 39. If we have illegal immigrants _____ in, many local workers will lose their jobs. A. came B. coming C. to come D. having come 第一题材料中的“杀殉”是什么意思?.第二题结合该材料谈谈奴隶的悲惨命运.据《墨子》中记载:天子杀殉,众者数百,寡者数十;将军、大夫杀殉,众者数十,寡者数人 撇字有哪两个读音,分别组什么词 奴隶主常常用奴隶作人祭和人殉,并以摧残奴隶的性命来取乐,奴隶们的这一悲惨命运最主要决定于 after the doctor looked him over c____ earn money 和make money一样么?还不太了解 Before the Spring Festival,parents often clean the house and buy new clothes for their c________.请用所给字母开头的单词填空,并说明为什么? 高中英语题(主语从句)2号In that mountainous primary school I found that ________ was required of a teacher never went beyond "reading,writing and adding".A itB whatC whateverD anything正解是B,请说明为什么A不能选,理由详细 If we work hard,we can earn ( ) money.if we save a lot,we should give ( )A a lot a lot B a lot of a lot of C a lot of a lot D a lot a lot of I wish I could have a note computer.I earn money and save money .I will have one before June.Which ways I can fast to earn money? save money与save up money 区别 we can save money in a___以a为首字母填空 we raised money to save people 和 we raised money,saving people哪个对有区别吗 Peter needs to go to (hospital) (对框上的部分提问) 一个奶牛场一天可产奶220千克,奶牛场的阿姨用20只桶来装,且每只桶都要装满.这些桶有大有小,大桶可装12千克,小桶可装8千克,你知道这20只桶中有多少只大桶?多少只小桶吗? 上面是个日字下面是个丙字,有没有人知道这个字怎么读?或五笔怎么打