
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 11:17:57
已知定义在R上的函数f(x)=-2x3+bx2+cx.F(x)=f(x)-3x2是奇函数,函数f(x)在x=-1处取极值.1.求b的值.2.函数f(x)在区间[-3,3]上的最大值. 、已知定义在实数集R上的函数f(x)=ax3+bx2+cx+d,、已知定义在实数集R上的函数f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d,其中a,b,c,d是实数,若函数f(x)在区间(-∞,-1)和(3,+∞)上都是增函数,在区间(-1,3)上是减函 为什么要建设和完善社会主义市场经济体制 帮找这样的论文 建设社会主义市场经济体制的基础是什么?.. 被猫狗等动物抓咬伤该如何处置 为什么猫喜欢抓动物回家来玩,而且很恶心 猫为什么能抓老鼠而其他动物不能? Ture friends have hearts that beat as one.中that是不是用错了,不是that不能做从句成分的吗? 求翻译...Wise man have their mouths in their hearts,fools have their hearts in their mouths Is this your pencil?它的答句 Is 【this】 your pencil-box.问为什么用this. 期末考结束 下学期我就要毕业了 心情有点激动 这次期末考我考到98全级第一.我觉得快学不下去了 因为太简单了,所以我这学期一直都没怎么听课了.我刚开始学物理的时候是很喜欢的 .现在 Is this pencil your?改错 培根随笔主要内容, ________do you want to go shopping in such a rainy day?1.what 2.what for 3.when 4.why 代表十二个月份的宝石有哪些?如题,我知道蓝宝石代表的是3月份 兰州哪有剑桥雅思盗版? 英语翻译Even experienced campers sometimes may get lost.To avoid getting lost stay on Marked trails.Take a notebook and pencil with you for notes.Use a compass so you know what direction you are going.To find your way with a compass,you m 培根随笔每一章主要内容是什么还有体会(感受和收获) 1.When they get to the top of the mountain he ____ a tent A.made up B.gave up C.took up D.set up2.I havent's decided when ___(take) a holiday yet3.___(he) healthy,we should eat more vegetables 1.His brother_____ in the army for two years.A.joined B.has joined C.has been in D.was in2.After three hours' working.His boss made him ____ a rest.A.stop having B.stops to have C.stop to have D.shopping to have3.John (hurried)to the station to meet 博爱家园,如何翻译成英文 人道 博爱 奉献 三个单词英文如何翻译?急 对别人仁慈就是对自己残忍 怎么翻译英文 旅游文化用英语怎么说 “为了加深两国旅游文化交流,促进张家界旅游发展,彼此相互合作.”英语怎么说?别用翻译器... “基于SWTO分析的历史和文化旅游的发展”翻译成英文怎么说,急用,希望英语好的同学帮帮忙 直升飞机的螺旋桨是顺时针旋转吗 为什么 3道初二英语在线求回答,急用啊1.We need to learn how to dress ___(proper)2.The telephone is an important invention.It is a popular way of____(communicate)3.Where were you when I____(call)you at the airport 天要下雨,我怎么办作文 天要下雨 我想以后考雅思,不知道俞敏洪的单词书和张红岩的单词书哪个比较好?那本剑桥雅思的书该怎么用效果才比较好?