
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 21:44:45
求做数学题,请尽量正确. 请尽量正确.请说出理由! 数学题求解.在线等解,请尽量正确. 求做数学题, 求做数学题请尽量正确, 已知RT三角形 AC=4 AB=6 BC为什么等于 “2倍根号5” 两堆石灰共1764千克,第一堆用去他的1/3,第二堆用去504千克,所剩的石灰一样多.两堆石灰原来各多少千克?能不能把这题的解答过程再写得详细一点? 01.已知三条线段的长分别为22cm、16cm、18cm,以哪两条为对角线,其余一条为边,可以画出平行四边形? 求高手解数学题几道.要步骤,谢谢.解方程(1)3(x-7)-5(x-4)=15(2)2x-1/3=1-5x+2/2(5x+2/2是一个分数)(3)3/2【2(x-2/3)+4/3】=1谢谢了. 按一个数的因数个数的多少,自然数可以分为( )、( )、( ). 在△ABC中,AC垂直于BC,AD为角BAC的平分线,DE垂直于AB,AB=7cm,AC=3cm,求BE的长 两地相距13千米,甲乙两人从两地同时出发相向而行,经过三分之四小时相遇,甲每小时行5千米,乙每小时行多少千米?(用方程和算术两种解法) 大家帮忙解答下数学题好吗?证明:√1+√1/2+√1/3+……√1/n>√n (n≥2,n∈N) 英语翻译A store normally sells each of its DVDs for $20.At a sale,Phyllis buys two DVDs at the regelur price and gets a third DVD for half price.This is the same rate of discount as getting ( )A 2 for the price 1B 3 for the price 2C 4 for the pri 英语翻译Ten years ago,the mean age of a band of 11 musicians was 30.One of them is now leaving the band at the age of 40.What is the present mean age of the remaining 10 musicians?The mean of (a + 4),(b + 5),(c – 3) is 6.The mean of (a – 7),( 高手进,2道英文数学题的翻译1.Use the quadratic formula to prove that the roots of such an equation must have -a/b as their sum and a/c as their product.2.Prove that the sum of the squares of the roots of such an equation is a/b-2ac. (Hin 英语翻译1.wonderr gal gave superguy a 5s head start in a 1km race.if wonder gal ran at 5km/min and superguy ran at 3 km/min,who won the race?2.a train 1000 m long travels through a 3km tunnel.if 30 seconds elapse from the time the last carriage e 英语翻译A right triangle is inscribed in a circle with radius 26 cm.IF the length of one of the legs of this triangle is 20 cm,find the difference between the area of the circle in which the triangle is inscribed and the area of the inscribed cir 英语翻译Three fair six-sided dice are rolled.what is the probability that the values shown on two of the dice sum to the value shown on the remaining die? 英语翻译If we let be the greatest prime number not more than a,than the result of the expression< ×× > is ( ) 这是一道数学题,请翻译. 英语翻译Pencils cost 27 pence each and erasers cost 30 pence each .Jim has £2.00 to spend on pencils and erasers.He buys n pencils and 2 erasers.Write down an inequality in n.What is the largest number of pencils Jim bought? 英文的数学题the ratio of blue marbles to green marbled in a bag is 2 to 5 .there are 25 green marbles how many marbles in which color would you have to add to make the ratio请回答该问题.并且解释为何要这样算 英语翻译14.In the,a middle school football conference,each team plays every other team exactly once.If a total of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season,how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?SolutionThis problem is v 求英文的数学题最好是美国初中生的数学卷,或者同等难度的也可以,请问哪有类似的资源下载啊!最好发个地址, 急~~帮忙,英文数学题!An item marked at $M is sold at a discount of 2%. If the selling price of the item is $(M-0.12),find the value of M. 谁帮我解一道英文数学题Stan was supposed to subtract a small number from a big number.He added them instead. The difference in Stan's answer and the correct was 120.If the big number was 280 more than the small number, what was the product Rope A is cut into equal pieces of 24cm each.Rope B is cut into equal pieces of 36cm each.The original length of both ropes is the same.There are 32 more shorter pieces than longer pieces.How many pieces of ropes are ther altogether? 谁帮我解一道英文的数学题the ratio of Stan`s age to Fred`s age is 7:12.in 3 year time,their total age will be 101.what is Fred age 17 years from now 这是一道英文数学题.厉害的来,The sides of a square are X feet long.Write an expression that represents the area of the square in square feet if the lenght of the side of the square is changed to one less than three times the lenght of the 重点是用英文怎么答 Every polynomial with complex coefficients of degree n has n zeros.Find all of the solutions to the equation:(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5) = 360 一道英语数学题There are 50 students in Wuhan Foreign Languages School who play on the baseball,football,and tennis teams.Some students play more than one sport.If 15 play tennis,25 play baseball,30 play football,8 play tennis and baseball,5 pl