
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:21:35
________ _______【他们所有人】like sandwiches for lunch.I want to invite _________ _______ _______【他们所有人】to my birthday party. 英语翻译还有一句:”nowadays i saw a lot of horny guys in china looking for a great sex”也翻译成中文.还有这两句也翻译一下:1."in singapore also have...but here some of the girls go for rich,handsome,gentleman"2."if i want used to do sth的疑问形式和否定形式还有be used to doing sth的疑问形式和否定形式 be used to怎么变否定形式? 括号里需要句号吗 下面这句话的括号里要不要加句号?原句:我们吟诵着“劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君需惜少年时,有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝()”.这里的句子是引用一句话,结尾用省略号,那括号里要不要加句 you are a child grow up翻译吧,我不懂. i don't like to eat ( )( )( )( )fried chicken 我不喜欢吃像炸鸡这样油腻的食物 While we are asleep our bodies grow most.翻译 bodies had grow (3个单词)怎样解释?不要抄袭 BECAUSE CHILDREN GROW的中文意思是? please后面接动词时要加to吗?为什么? please后面跟动词怎么跟? please be后接动词什么形式 please 后面跟动词什么结构 Word2013如何将相邻的句号和括号中间的空白压缩?如图,在Word2013中,句号和括号之间有很大一块空白,其他版本的Word好像可以把这两个相邻符号压缩,在Word2013中如何设置? The children ______(run) outside, aren't they ______useful information it is A How BWhat a CWhat an DWhat lf you are turtle.did you feel nervouns?why I can't believe you are not so confident,like a turtle so afraid of hurt son of a bitch you a turtle是什么意思 The exam was so difficult that five _______(twelve) of the students failsd it. The math problem is so difficult that[]students can work it out.空里应该是few还是a few!求解!急,给好评! 仿照泪珠如滚写三个和他相同的词是把一个比做另一个的成语。 仿写泪如珠滚 what should 后面跟 do or be done 为什么 what was to be done?和 what should they do?这是《英汉翻译简明教程》里《孟轲悔过》的翻译,中文原文是“不幸在他三岁的时候,父亲去世了,母子无依无靠,处境更加艰难.怎么办呢?”译文给出的是what 英语方面的口语高手请进来我能单独发好i和i:这两个音标,也能读清ni和ni:这两个音节;但是在拼大多数单词时就把i和i:读成了ei,譬如把fi,wi,vi,wi:等音节读成了fei,wei,vei,wei音节;有时我读fish/ 英语的几个口语方面的问题1.随便是"whatever",那么随你的便能否用"what your ever"?(不一定要在正式场合使用)2.进一步问,“what your freaking-ever”又成立吗?3.mark 在名词词性时可以用作“成绩”的 英语怎么有进步口语方面 have后面的动词用法 At that time,maybe you will understand how fragile I.后面是用I还是me?