
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:13:40
英语白痴的我、我已是与社会挂钩的人了,在现实的生活里英语能发挥很大作用,我想学习,我可以说一点都不懂英语,请大家给点方案和方法,交流,学英语无非是想学以致用,在工作上能有所帮助 帮我这英语白痴(  )21.Mr.Smith is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China.A.works B.is workingC.are working D.has been working(  )22.Didn't you see the man ______?A.I nodded just nowB.whom I nodded just nowC.I nodded to him just i agree with your point fully fully 可以放在主语后,句尾也可以对嘛 我完全同意你的观点 ,这样说可以吗 i fully agree your point i agree your point fully 我单名“凡”,想取个英文名字.我单名“凡”,想取个简单好记的英文名字.名字谐音或者差不多有“凡”这个意思的都可以.我是女的.忘记说了 初中英语没基础, 初中英语基础非常的弱 高中还能跟上么? 请问 初中英语30分 高中怎么努力能考130分? 初中英语差,高中的英语能跟上吗?麻烦告诉我 单名秀,取什么英文名比较好 英文名Isabella Yolanda哪个好?性格既内向又外向,个子高.暮光之城女主就是Isabella,请各位留洋的大侠,出出主意…… 孔子是哪一代的人 请帮忙取个英文名,单名:晴 口语中because的缩写 There are two pens in the pencilcae.对划线部分提问(two pencils)划线 单词should作情态动词都有什么意思 "似为什么可以读平舌也可以读翘舌?“似”字发平舌音是什么意思?翘舌音是什么意思?为什么可以平舌也可以翘舌? ...wanna see your smile again. I wanna see your naked.如果用在线翻译的请绕道 my brother is confident.对confident划线.___is your brother____?应该填什么?第一个空是how还是what?为什么? SpongeBob‘s smile,only for Patrick Star bloom.这句话有没有语病?有,该怎么改? Mr Smith understands that while maths has always been easy for him,it is not easy for the studentswhile、 when 作“尽管”讲时 的区别这是一道单选题,选项是while 和when,答案是while。在这里while是“尽管”的意思,wh 缩写we will not we 不好意思的问一下:shall not和will not的缩写是怎样的? It is now being sent to his home by train的时态问题the policeman told him,the bicycle was pinged up in a small village four hundred miles away.It is now being sent to his home by train 这个句子是一个间接引语,为什么是it is 而不 It is now being sent to his home by train.这句话里为什么要加being?能不能去掉呢? It is now being sent to his home by train ,这里being什么用法 It is now being sent to his home by train.这里的being是干嘛用的? it is now being sent to his home by train being怎么解释 q和zh相连的词语,舌位,移动来不及 ,比如,其实 这个词语jqx和翘舌音的连读,原来是抵住下齿背,突然到硬颚前部,很难连读。有什么技术没. 请翻译希腊谚语there is no arguing about taste “There is no arguing about taste” — runs the Latin proverb.But taste did not just happen.翻译!