
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:43:12
找朋友作几道英语选择题(最好详细一点点.1.you'd better___your homework now.A.to do B.do C.did D.done 2.____his wealth,he is not happy.A.Except for B.in spite of C.Because of D.Besides 3.I need my pen_____,because i must finish my ho (x的平方+6x-2)(x的平方+6x-4)+1 分解因式分解因式1,x的平方+6x-2)(x的平方+6x-4)+12,设多项式A=(a的平方+1)(b的平方+1)-4ab(1)试说明,不论a,b为何数,A的值不为负数(2)A=0,求a,b的值 火箭是靠什么力上天的? x的平方+6x+5 6x的平方加x等于0的应式分解 几道英语选择题等.可以得到分哦!1.he _____medium height and he _____blonde hair.A.is,is B.has,has C.is,has D.has,is2.some people don;t like the actor 's new ____A.look B.looks C.looiked D.look like3.I can ____shopping and nobody _____meA. 含有"毛"这个字的常见词,成语等都有哪些?比如"毛票".含有贬义的词不要,像"毛手毛脚","毛毛虫"等.怎么全是成语啊,没有词吗? 有龙这个字的四字成语龙这个字要在第四个 已知a+a的负1次方等于3求a的平方+a的平方分之1的值 (2) a的4次方+a的4次方分之I的值 秀 这个字能组什么成语?要秀在前面 在地一个 用“名”这个字组一个成语“名”这个字在成语中的意思必须翻译为“说出” “二”这个字可以组什么成语“二”这个字可以组什么成语 要二开头 若A的平方+A+1=0,求A的2008次方+A的2007次方+3 902减去398简便运算怎么做 787减去398用拖式计算和简单算法(拖式计算的格式) 成语中有意这个字的 成语中有而这个字的例如半途而废,之类的 含有“测”这个字的成语有哪些 含有“然”这个字的成语,我要5个, 1296-398简便运算 784/(645*784)*645简便运算 There is no doubt at all ( )Jane will call us when she gets there.A.if B.whether C.what D.that 25乘398的简便计算 846-398的简便计算 Your parents always take a walk after supper_______?A don't they B do they C won't they D didn't theyThe girl doesn't like _____ red blouse.She is ______ a bule one now.A put on; wear B wear; put C putting on; wearing D wearing; putting onOur teacher Most southern states had set up primary school systems by the late eighteenth century,but only in New England____and open to all students.A.primary schools were free B.free were primary schools C.were free primary schools D.were primary schools free 那些朋友英语好,进来做道选择题.The sky is_____.A.brighteningB.bridegroomC.bridlingD.brief 三道英语选择题~!有这方面能力的朋友进来下·````谢谢哈!1.( )She has a bad cold she was told to take ____medicine three times______dayA /...a B the...a C a...the D /...one2.( )Can you point out____English Channel on ____map?A y=ax平方+bx=c过点【—3,2】【—1,—1】【1,3】求二次函数解析式 悬停在空中的直升机受到哪几个力的作用?它们的施力物体分别是什么? 一元二次函数解析式,解析式y=ax平方+bx+c关于y轴和x轴对称后的解析式是什么? 悬停在空中的直升飞机受升力吗