
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:40:59
马蹄莲有没有毒 where is John,Tom?he ___(must be,can be )in the library Did you buy __________for Linda's birthday?Not exactly Just some flowers?A something unusualB anything unusualC unusual somethingD unusual anything 马蹄莲的哪个部位有毒? will you have a cake___your birthday? Jenny will have(a birthday party)就括号里提问 I can help(you)就括号里提问 谁知道? Will you ( ) a birthday ( 空的地方填什么 will you ( ) a birthday ( 英语翻译急呢. 大笑江湖中——别太放肆,没什么用的英文是什么?大家都说是May the force be with you但是这个翻译过来是——愿力量与你同在.那么 别太放肆,没什么用 的英文是啥呀? l have got a birthday card and it ____"happy birthday to you"(speaks,tells,says,talks) 谁帮我写一篇科普论文啊 ,主题是“大海的呼唤” ,可以用主题的作文题,叶可以自己起,跪求啊,急要和百度上的不一样啊 Does he have a birthday card? 括号部分提问:He is (twelve years old) He has lunch (at twelve)对括号部分提问 He"s (getting a cold).就括号提问 马蹄莲到底有毒吗 我买的观音莲是哪科的? (一到英语选择题)-Which book would you like toborrow?-()of the two books is Ok with me.A.EitherB.BothC.AnyD.None为什么选B和D不可以,要有解析. 介词后面是跟形容词性物主代词还是跟名词性物主代词?比如 ON WITH BETWEEN 后面是跟 HER 还是 SHE 我记不大清楚了 现在说观音莲有毒,我的观音莲有毒么我的观音莲有毒么,知道的告我一下下 景天科观音莲有毒吗 多肉观音莲有毒吗 颐和园名字的由来(最好是一个小故事) sorry,i forgot to __ your book here today .A.take B.bring C.make D.get 颐和园的历史和由来.请不少50字哦! Where is your homework I'm sorry.I forgot _________ it here . _______的_______________,像__________________.(造句)(要优美的!4条以上)要优美的!4条以上 My math book is here.Where is _____?A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself -What's one fourth and a half,do you know?-Yes,it's___.A.two sixths B.three fourths C.one three D.three sixths请写明理由, 犹如………,使我们…….造句、要优美的哦! Do you remember where your ( )watch Oh ,here it is.It ( ) under my book第一个空答案是laid 第二个空答案是lies