
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:15:51
考四级秘书证一般有哪些题目? 四级文秘大题会重复以前考过的题吗马上要考四级文秘了,望各位考过的大哥大姐可以指导下.选择题部分都是没有问题的,想知道大题会考以前考过的呢,还是每次都是新题目.有木有人考过啊 四级秘书难考吗主要都考点什么啊 考的内容都很细,复习看书一下子又忘了 最后很据要求回答的题目是不是都要背下来的啊? 谁有文秘四级模拟题卷子,能否分享下, 点的是香烟抽的是寂寞!英文怎么写 点的是烟,抽的是寂寞.英语怎么写? 哥抽的不是烟是寂寞英文怎么说? 若a∈(π/2,π)且sina=4/5,则sin(a-π/4)-(根号2)/2 cosa=? 哥抽的不是烟,哥抽的是寂寞.这首歌出自哪里我记得是哥只是传说,可在百度MP3上搜为什么搜不到,都是 请不要迷恋哥 这个 ,那个给歌词的,这首歌我知道,我要的不是这首,是哥抽的不是烟.哥抽 女人抽的那种细长烟,男人每天最好抽几根才健康?我今年15岁了,我很空虚,也很寂寞.前几天不知道为什么就想抽烟,而且不是习惯性的抽,就想抽了一根还抽一根的心理.我一直在克制自己抽烟! 下图中平行四边形的面积是180平方厘米,求它的周长. 英语翻译内容摘要:在经济日趋全球化的被背景下,身处激烈动荡的商业经营环境之中的企业要想立于不败之地,只有掌握并购这一谋求生存和发展的利器,及时作出理性明智的并购抉择,尽快通 英语翻译Thoughts of ‘good’ or ‘evil’,will give rise to those of their dualistic opposites and attract like energies that further threaten the Traveler’s ability to stay safe and sane.And here we will have a choice; to either clutch to t 求英语达人帮忙翻译一段说明书~~~是关于臭氧机的.4 Installing the System4.1.1 Receiving the systemWear steel toe shoes, safety goggles, and hard hats when moving the system.1) Remove the system from the shipping crate.2) Remove any 英语翻译 英语翻译关于咖啡机的7.1 Litres:It counts the litres of water which have come through the coffee machine.This counter has the total amount of water litres and warns when regeneration of water softener filter is needed.Exit,by pushing continu 如图,平行四边形的周长是12.6厘米,它的面积是多少 英语翻译Our working conditions and hours on the job can't be changed.We always take our work home with us.And if we look closely at our economic future,we see only someone's face. 英语翻译7.Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales(BARS)The behaviorally anchored rating scale method of performance appraisal is designed to assess behaviors required to successfully perform ajob.The focus of BARS is not on performance outcomes but o 最好连公式都给我物体G重为140N,每个滑轮重均为10N,绳重几摩擦力均不计,则拉力F为___N:若物体上升2CM,则绳子自由端移动的距离是_____m,则拉力做的功为______J图我懒得发 物理公式一条S=Vot+(1/2)at平方把它转换成t=... 问一条物理公式是v0^2-vt^2=2as还是vt^2-v0^2=2as? 证明一条物理公式,Xn-Xn-1=aT^(Xn-1表示前一个位移)急用! 人工英译中,英语段落,英翻中译,There are people who love with their hearts and not their minds,And there are people who sacrifice their lives for their loved ones,And there are people who make promises and keep them,And you,of course,are n 英语翻译1.Science and technology have advanced so greatly as to make our life easier.2.She had her first interview for a job in a supermarket.3.What makes him different from the rest of the students?4.We’ll never forget the days we spent happil crt是什么意思 显示器的Auto是什么意思 显示器刷新频率是什么含义 显示器上写的2000:1是什么意思 显示器上的几个分别键是什么意思? 在新东方里学英语好吗?为什么好? 到新东方学英语好吗