
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/10 17:59:40
帮忙设计班级标语 还有班徽(图) 爱国卫生 警句格言有哪些 特搜集关于"爱国"的名人名言. 春天的门 高中作文800字 翻译 I would be a girl.我问你是男孩还是女孩?答曰:I would be a girl.什么意思? 作文议论文800字:世界因你而精彩. I would like to be your girl friend ...this is my phone number:110 追问what 论文成果形式的描述怎么写 谁来评价一下我写的作文?过节,多么温馨的字眼;过节,多么欣喜的名字;过节,多么美满的文字.一大早就听见鞭炮声回荡在这繁华的城市里,街上来来往往的人脸上都挂着笑脸,妈妈也一大早就 初一班徽设计图我是257班的 如何评价写人作文 3班班徽设计图高一(3)班 我们是14班,求个班徽设计图 班徽设计图谁能设计出一个704班的班徽,好者必有奖赏!最好是图! 人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的硕果累累.仿句:田晓菲爱北大,——,——,—— —Whom would you like to be your assistant ,Jack or David —If I had to choose ,David would be _____ choice .A.good B.better C.the better D.the best whom would you like to be your assistant ,Jake or Divid if Ihad to chooose ,Divid would be -----choice A.good B.better C.the better D.the best 为什么 Would you like to be my girlfriend?的回答 whom would you like to go with,Bill and Tom If I had to choose,Tom would be( )A.good B.better C.the better D.the best Suppose you were a recruiting manager,whom would you like to hire,"key players" from other companies or "newbies" who have just graduated from universities?Give your reasons.Thank you a lot.谢谢一楼的翻译,太妙了。不过,我要的是答 给这篇作文写评语 为这篇作文写评语生命的最后一刻,我只为你而美丽.——题记这真不是出来的一个好时刻,当我的兄弟姐妹们还呆在舒适的泥土里呼呼大睡时,我却要一边抱怨自己算错日子的愚昧,一边努力在 作文评语怎么写 “开卷未必有益”辩论词的 急用! 开卷未必有益的辩论词 七年级英语最容易考到的作文是? would you like please 否定是什么would you like please not do 还是 would you like please not to do Would you like ____ coffee,please?怎么填? would you please和would you like后是加什么哪个后面是跟do哪个后面是跟to do? 1.古诗词中有关送别的名句灿若繁星,请你写出其中两句名句?2.请你从积累的古诗中,写出两句描写歌舞表演的诗句?3.在中国古代诗词中.有许多表达雄心壮志和远大抱负的名句,请写出一完整的 作文评语如何写 五年级上册语文第三单元作文450字