
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:35:51
英语作文My subjects1 介绍现在有多少门课程,都是什么(初一).2 介绍除了学校的课程外,自己业余时间的课程.3 介绍自己最喜欢的课程,为什么?4 介绍自己不喜欢的课程,说说怎样才能提高学习 _____ delicious mooncake it is!A how B what C what a D how a ___ delicious the food is!A.How B .how a C.What D.What a _____ delicious the foods is A How B How a C What what a dish this delicious what is a 上面的单词组成这是多么好吃的菜dish this delicious what is a上面的单词组成这是多么好吃的菜 太平洋周围有几个大洲环抱? time past quickly与time passed quickly有什么区别啊英语作文第一句我想写“时间过得很快”用了“time past quickly”结果老师给我划了红线,说是用passed.我分不清楚past 、 passed的区别! 如题That smells delicious.改为一般疑问句并做否定回答 写一篇英语的作文介绍4个school friends.作文不用太长.至少5句话以上.最好翻译了.school friends 都写 xiao ming .. 以my school为题目,写一篇简单的英语小短文. 以“My School Day”为题,写一篇英文短文,介绍一下你一天的校园生活.(不住校) 她因为什么出名?翻译:What ( ) she ( )( 请问a story that i can’t tell I can tell you a ____story than that.A.funnyB.more funnierc.much funnierD.much more funnier Can you tell me the reason ____ that?A.on B.with C.for D in 一个关于you always on my mind的歌..有首英文歌..是女人唱的,.是首慢歌..开头就是you always on my mind. Most of us finance our college education depending on our parents.如具体语法错误 Do you ever feel like a sheep?sheep always follow each other and never really think about where they are going.Perhaps fashion makes us into "sheep"[ http://v.ku6.com/show/-Jay8dvwxHxz_Yp9uOPgPA...html这个广告的背景音乐是什么 http://v.ku6.com/show/Q5kH2tNlIKDuNAXVknY6TA...html音乐 there will be your grandmother 一个词will take care of you. you make lunch --- l will take care of the babya\ butb\ andc\ becaused\ a;though说理由! 给男孩起个乳名 英语语法修改Nancy was a multiple of the contradiction of Dickens's "Oliver Twist " in character,can be said to be a product of that era..[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查![学习提示] 易混词汇:alphabet,letter,character,script 英语语法变化Show为什么不双写W再加ing 请帮忙修改一下英语语法As wireless communications and Internet industry continues to develop,companies will face new opportunities and challenges.With a strong R & D strength,highly creative product concept of operations,Fun2box through per The third one is the generalized positive definite matrix,this part includes the concept of generalized positive definite matrix,the properties of generalized positive definite matrix,the theorems of generalized positive definite matrix an applicatio 下面这篇文章的主要内容是什么 http://www.xiaogushi.com/zuowen/chuzhongxieren/20120906b22482.html http://www.zuowen.com/e/20100422/4bd016dd4b8c1.shtml 狮子林 作文 为什么http://zuowen.chazidian.com的作文比zuowen.com的多大神们帮帮忙 点评http://www.pequip.com.cn/a/201303/82584142.html作文 Please kindly can you send me the PI?请问这里的PI指什么?这是我们公司一个以色列客户发过来的?