
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:02:01
哪位老师有英语名词的练习题大全? 初一英语名词练习题(5个) 英语名词练习14. He had a ___sleep yesterday. A. a good night B. a good-night C. a good night’s D. good-night’s 15. ___is not a long way to drive. A. Three miles distance B. Three-mile distance C. Three miles’ di 英语,关于名词的一道题Nothing was found but ___ broken.A.the room window B.the room’s window C.the room of the window D.the window of room 关于英语“名词”的几道题1、why not go to the great wall this saturday?I am afraid it's not a good .many of us have been there.A、place B、day C、plan D、idea2、would you like some yes,please.I'm a little thirsty.A、bread B、meat C there are two ( ) in the cityA car'factory B car's factories C factories of car's D car factories 英语“名词”题!Uncle Jack is _____.A.my father and mother's friendB.my father's and my mother's friendC.a friend of me D.a friend of my mother's and fatehr's为什么D不对啊..别复制别人的,“知道”里别人的解答我都看过了. “练习”的英语名词是什么是名词哦 短篇英文美文希望提供一些,注意是英文的! 初一英语短篇美文七篇适宜初一升初二的(我们那里是五四制,最好比较适宜这种情况)一定是短篇,也不要太短,七篇.有急用, 谁有初中短篇英文美文?急··好理解.奥运,亲情,友情都行.100-150词左右 最好有译文 谁有一些比较好的短篇英文美文介绍 关于夏天的英语短篇美文写夏天、春天、秋天、冬天的都行还有花啊 草啊等 泰戈尔的诗也行 希望把注视也随着写上 英语翻译短文:In summer,millions of people will head for the beach.And while the ocean can be a great place to swim and play,it may also be useful in another way.Some scientists think that waves could help make electricity.“Have you ev 英语翻译短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone 英语翻译 英语翻译I’m a 15-year-old girl.I look normal:I’m not tall or short,and I’m not ugly or beautiful.But there’s one problem:I have a big butt.When I shop for dresses,I can never find one big enough for me.Most shops only have small sizes.So 英语翻译One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill.The lawyer went to get a doctor.The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying bills.So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house.“If I do cure your wife.I am afraid you may not 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下这篇英语阅读短文,我翻不太清,Britain’s smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class,a famous British newspaper reported in May.The newspaper said the six-year-old girl 英语:读短文, 这题是英语题目,(阅读短文,判断错误) 阅读短文,我空着的那道大题,英语求学神! 先阅读这篇英语短文,然后我再发题帮我做! 阅读英语文章问题当我读一些英语文章时,读时能理解每句话的意思.可读完时,大脑中却几乎没有对这篇文章的印象,不知这篇文章讲了啥,怎么回事呢?有什么解决方法吗?请回答,谢 英语根据短文完成问题问题是Where is han yu? 简单英语对话短文我的直升报告,要超简单超简单的那种两人对话!再帮我问三个关于报告内容简单的问题~中文翻译也要哈~晕、麻烦大家认真点、这个做不好要死的! 英语的问题:阅读短文,回答下列问题.阅读短文,回答下列问题.I'm Mike.Last Sunday was my birthday.My mother bought me a new T-shirt.My father gave me a baseball cap.Some friends went to my home.We sang and danced together.We play 求简单的英语朗读短文 或笑话 故事,要求是高中英语词汇水平的 将下面的英语对话改成短文.以cindy的口吻改.1:HI!2:HI!1:what‘ your name?2:my name is cindy.1:what's this ,cindy?2:It's a pen.It's yello.1:Is this your pen?2:yes ,it is.1:And what's that?2:It's a pencil.it's my pencil.1:what 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文.Reading is an important activity for many Americans.Today,thousands of men,women and children belong to groups to discuss the books they read.No one is sure how many America 求一篇英语短文可以读上3分钟(要求在下面)解释这句motto:Reason is the guide and light of life.理智是人生的灯塔.用英语写的文章 小学三年级作文我