
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:43:43
动名词?ing?ed?.400bags covering about 200 airlines...为什么不能是400bags covered 这是什么语法结构啊?什么时候用ing 什么时候用ed啊我要恶补什么部分啊? 有哪些ing分词,ed分词 至少十五个如:interesting interested快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快 at least 是什么词组?后可以跟句子么?1at least 是个什么词组?后面可以跟句子么?属于什么词性的词组来看?at least 放在句首可以后面跟句子么At least I have you 写的可以么.2He smoked at least half a packet 高一英语被动语态1 Mineral oil is of no use to man until it( )in to different products,such as oil for trains,petrol for cars,etc.A:is separating B:has benn separated2 He was ( )clever but dishonestA:thought of B thought of as3If city noises( at least的同义短语at least 25 rooms 是等于25 rooms or more 还是 25 or more rooms?请慎重回答! at 是什么词性 求海贼王ed16 Dear Friends的平假名注释歌词就是日本汉字后面带一个括号注音的那种~ 感官动词look taste smell feel 后加的形容词有哪些.还有哪些感官动词后可以加形容词 感官动词后除了Look后可以加Well,像taste ,smell 后也可以吗, 折的拼音有几个音节?能组什么词? 用感官动词sound look taste smell feel造两个句子分别对应 听 看 尝 闻 摸 请问哪位高人知道汉语拼音的特殊变化?比如两个二声字组成的双音节词语应该怎么读?两个一声字组成的双音节词语应该怎么读?两个三声字组成的双音节词语应该怎么读?两个四声字组成的双 山市词语的拼音有音节的急啊!今天马上就要 拼音中,双音节词是不是如hongse baitian 共,勿,居,舌,某,多音节的拼音与组词有哪些,急 高一英语:把下列句子变成被动语态1. they have sent for a famous doctor. 2. we have built many factories in the development zone. 3. china has brought in much advanced technology and foreign money to develop her economy. 4. I have sent 将下列句子变为被动语态1,He often tells the children stoires.2.They speak English every day.3,People grow cotton in the south .4,My mother often tells me to be carefull.5,People plant trees every spring. 把下列句子变成被动语态:He often makes model planes in his spare time.She taught us geography last year.He is weighing the stones.They may offer you a good job.(用两种方法)I saw Lily taking a walk this time yesterday.We often hea at most &at leastat most=no more than还是not more thanat least=no less than还是not less than at (the)least 和at most怎么没有at the most ..奇怪了. at least at most 在句子中的的位置.比如The girl is 7 at least .还是The girl is at least 7.是The pencil costs at most five yuan还是The pencil costs five yuan at most解答提问在弄几个例子.分数不是问题 At least与at most的区别是什么 两句名言勉励别人要用顽强的意志战胜困难 藏羚羊的跪拜中,藏羚羊跪拜这一举动中包含了怎样的思想感情? 藏羚羊的跪拜这一举动包含了怎样的思想感情? 藏羚羊跪拜 文中“罪恶”表达了作者的什么思想感情藏羚羊跪拜 藏羚羊跪拜,题目为什么用藏羚羊的跪拜,而不用消失的老猎人? 求Trouble Is a Friend歌词中文发音要中文发音啊,回答的时候英文中文对其啊,哈哈,第一句:踹包诶子服软的毒脑额买斗爱奥狗嗷嗷不一定要非常标准,差不多就行了,我是实在记不住英文发音,学了 trouble is a friend歌词 Trouble is a friend的歌词 自古英雄多磨难名人事例 自古英雄多磨难的事例,多一些.