
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:04:02
定语从句的主语问题Alice drew the pictures which (it) has a house and a garden in it 加不加那个it做主语The shoes that( )were made by her are very well 括号那个要不要加什么当主语 定语从句中怎么确定谁是主语 定语从句与主句主语一致问题 请看列题:Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation,country music has certain common features that give it its own special character.该句子中定语从句that give it its own special characte 定语从句怎么认出主语 林冲雪夜上梁山50字概括 50字概括雾是怎么形成的 -Do you think humans will be able to live on Mars in the future? -I'm not sure.___,it's interting-Do you think humans will be able to live on Mars in the future?-I'm not sure.___,it's interting to predict that.A.HoweverB.So farC.agree withD.As a res What any books do you have?What other books do you have?这两个句子哪个对,哪个有问题,能分析一下麼 城市猎人 its all right 谁唱的? 歌词里有两遍its all right女人唱的 all right和alright和ok区别请别给翻译过来的.翻译过来意思差不多的.我想知道真正在用的时候区别! Yes.Work hard!This is the most important for a lifetime I will never forget the days ( ) spent with my dearest friends. A.that B.when急,说明理由急 梦想对于我们来说也许遥远也许很近翻译成英文 据地主阶级抵抗派、洋务派、资级维新派、革命派资、新文化运动中的激进民主主义者的观点的作用和影响说明代表了社会进步的方向 People will live 200 years in the future.will live to be 和will live有什么区别live to be 的意思是活到... 为什么有男人女人为什么不可以一个个体单性繁殖 谁能提供一篇名为我的人生价值观的论文.两千字左右详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 小动物保护协会一般保护哪种动物 可以领养吗 天津小动物保护协会在哪里呀?或者有什么收养流浪动物的机构吗? 想当小动物保护协会的志愿者.我看了太多虐待小动物的事件,和被遗弃的宠物,心里特别难受,觉得所有的罪魁祸首都是这些丧失道德、不负责的人类所做出的事情!动物全是无辜的!我想参加小 I don't play computer games any more(同义句) He does not play computer games any more(同义句转换)He _____ ______ plays computer games. He says he won't play computer games any more(同义句)He says he will ____ ____ play computer games. like,peopal,look,don't,new,his,some,连词成句 People like new look.还是 People like new looks. 要一些优美的句子或段落作业要求写15张读书笔记 求一些句子或段落 段落尽可能短 照的能写10张 就可以 找的好的 别弄些带感情的句子 我这是作业-_-|| 如何提高英语阅读水平...及对提高句意的理解. 如何提高英语阅读能力 推荐一则有关读书的名人名言 She's Tony's mother改为一般疑问句 tom do can long jump the is a she wrting poem for day teacher·s 这两个怎么连起来?