
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:21:56
根据上下文完成对话,使对话意思通常,完整,没空一词 没分了 不好意思 希望回答!a:Good morning,Nancy.(1 ) that over (2)?b:( 3) (4 ) .It is my family photo.a:Is that (5) your father b:( 6) (7) a:The one (8) a white shirt.b: 填空,开头字母已给出:Kate is going to the Airport to say g____ to him. 运动员在进行100米短跑比赛时,终点记录员不是在看到发令枪冒烟时开始计时,而是在听到枪声时开始计时,在此情况下所记时间将产生多少秒的误差? what are your favorite vegetable vegetable后要不要加s为什么答案没加s?感觉很怪 什么是FLO Baby Saline+Nasal Spray bio-trust What is your favorite vegetable?Salad 还是 Tomatoes 回答为哪个?为什么? spray-pyrolysis是什么意思 amboseli DALMAN AQ Nasal Spray一次喷几下 喷一次的量是多少? 关于英语发音的一个小问题woman [wumən]百度上发音怎么感觉是[wəmən]呢?按我学的音标应该是 窝 屋 门. CONFETY SPRAY 是 什么东西,谁做过, 英文enamel是什么 enamel powders 是什么东西啊,能具体说说吗,怎么念啊 请你帮我翻译下谢谢!Your account with username "neely1118" has been successfully created.If you 百米赛跑时,终点计时员如果听枪声计时,则测出的时间会比运动员跑完100m的实际时间__(多/少)一些 Tom和Jerry你喜欢哪个 tom和jerry 一共有多少集不是小tom和小jerry的哦 问个英语问题 .\x05I’d rather you ________ those important问个英语问题.\x05I’d rather you ________ those important documents with you.A) don’t take B) didn’t take C) won’t take D) not take 菊花姑娘喜欢跳舞用英语怎么说 请问“爱跳舞的女孩”用英语怎么说? He is no longer aspoilt c___ 首,字母已给 lt's a waste of time ___him.he is no longer in charge now.A;waiting 请教关于diminishing-balance method of depreciation的计算A college uses the diminishing-balance method of depreciation for its buildings.It uses a depreciation rate of 3%,which means that its buildings are depreciated over an average useful lif 为什么Balance Sheet 里的Current assets 项的金额大部分都写在depreciation列下?如题 i am all about balance什么意思 .I intended ______ the matter with you,but I had some guests hen.a.discuss b.discussing c.havi.I intended ______ the matter with you,but I had some guests hen.a.discuss b.discussing c.having discussed d.to have discussed 关联词语填空,他( )唱歌,整个演播大厅里( )掌声雷动.填关联词语 is was __ that noah made a large wooden ship and float 用“有声有色、活灵活现、啧啧赞叹”造句. a large ship中文是什么 那活灵活现的样子,好像什么 造句