
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:04:41
Take it easy We may lose and we may win but we'll never be here again. .If we had the chance to do it all again 把水果制作成果脯为什么可以保存较长时间不变质 Nobody will give me true loveNobody will give me true love 果脯制作的生物原理是什么呀? 果脯怎么样制作? 请问一下有谁在家做过果脯吗?不要那种大厂加工的过程,就是家庭做的那种, we lunch have for salad 连词成句 怎样使用“的”,“地”,“得”!还有形容词和副词的区别! You know. are you going to () () 游泳this afternoon? it takes me (twenty minutes) to get to the store(对括号里的提问) 英语翻译突然想到的.忘记是在哪看到的了.或者是我乱编的.不记得了. i think this movie is very 后面能接什么 The thing he saw was smoke_________ from behind the house?A rose B rising C to rise C risen请问它充当的是smoke的定语,还是整个句子的状语?为什么不能选A,这样可以把它当成一个表语从句 The smoke from the chimney i____that someone was in the house. 赛尔号nono翻译芯片材料是? Yu:I have always loved you. I Have Always Loved You 歌词 将改为同义句Do you have green swesters? Do you green sweaters怎样进行同义句转换打错了修正如下;Do you have green sweaters想要分的别乱说哦 -do you have any sweater -( ),I ( ) been this done that and never do it again英语高手来一下,不要机器翻译的. 生长曲线怎么测定? 英语翻译RT 不要机器 口语化 不要 太长 after a long work ,you must be t( ) 人生的意义是什么 人活就是只是为了自己吗谢谢了, they have just had some sandwiches . they have just had some sandwiches 对some sandwiches 提问 He arrive in New York.---.some time later,he become a writerA when b where c that d which They have never arrived in New york already.(改错) when he arrived in new york ,it was rainning?