
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:01:43
检讨作文关于老师让我值日,我没去值日.2000字 英语翻译1.工作面试时我要打起精神 I need to --- --- for my job --- .2.小孩子们玩电子游戏很容易 --- --- for children --- play computer game .3.他一遍又一遍地重复同样的话 He repeated the same words --- --- --- --- 英语翻译1.她太老,不能去出游.2.令我惊奇的是他写得那么好. 英语翻译最近写了一个关于商业银行的报告,有这样一段需要翻译成英语,无奈我的英语很差,谷歌翻译又不准确,于是来到贵地寻求热心人的帮助.下面是需要翻译的文字:商业银行的竞争力主要 英语翻译我国在改革以来,中小企业在国民经济中占有重要地位,为推动国民经济发展、推动科技进步等做出重要贡献,这一切决定了我们必须对中小企业给予足够的重视.近几年来,国家为改善 Tom is a movie f______.His only hobby is watching movies. 负荆请罪的历史 负荆请罪的历史背景越明白越好急呀!不超过100字 英语翻译求个英语家庭故事 带上汉语翻译 字数不要太多了150个字就行了一定要幽默或者搞笑 再说一边是家庭英语故事 而且要带上翻译 复制的爬开点 不懂的莫乱写哈 “话筒里的幸福”这句话翻译成英语怎么写?麻烦高手给予解决 要正确的啊 不懂的别乱写! the only reason 和the only one reason哪个对为什么? assume,presume,suppose和presuppose的区别? assume和suppose区别两者做“以为,猜想”意思时的详细区别? 请问assume ,suppose ,guess ,imagine有什么区别, how do your English teacher look是用look还是looks suppose 和assume 和presume 都是假定的意思啊,什么区别呢? how does your new english teacher looks这句话有错么 the only other shirt that was clean ( ) ironingA,need B,needed C,ennding D,to need 一道哲学题 为什么不选d,难道不是依据事物的性质是由主要矛盾的主要方面决定吗按照“一国两制”的方针统一祖国后,不会改变我国的社会主义性质.其哲学依据是:A、矛盾的普遍性原理 B 势均力敌词语的意思解释 势均力敌的意思 势均力敌是什么意思啊 势均力敌什么意思? 势均力敌是什么意思? make( ) it is clearA.out B.of C.sure When ED Jackson t__1__ in Russia,he ran short of money.So he w__2__to his缺词填空When Ed Jackson t__1__ in Russia,he ran short of money.So he w__2__to his brother,asking f__3__ $500."Send the money by telegram to the bank here." After a week Ed b Jim got a w_____ from his birtday.He can put his money in it. He—— his bicycle when it bega torainA was ridingB is riding为什么选A? His r______ was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money when I suggested that someone he trusted __ his money,he wouldn't believe in.A.had stden B.should steal C.have stden D.has stolen (用what改写句子)they had a great time last night.______________tima they had last night! 这个鞋柜该怎么设计打算在入户门厅的过道边有一个书房,打算把书房靠过道的那段墙打掉,利用墙壁空间设计一个鞋柜,深度为35CM,那段墙上的房门还是要保留的.现在的问题是那个门框宽度是2