
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/06 01:04:25
以“快乐”为题写一篇文章 已知:如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠A=90°,以AB为直径做○o,BC交圆o于点D,E为边AC的中点,ED、AB的延长线相交于点F.求证:(1) DE为圆o的切线 (2) AB*DF=AC*BF 以“快乐”为题写一篇600字文章帮帮我吧!~~ 4.32÷54列竖式 等腰直角三角形ABC的直角边BC所在直线的方程为x-2y-6=0顶点A的坐标为(0,6),求斜边AB和直角边AC所在直线的方程 请以“快乐的三人世界”为题,写一篇文章 绝对零度是多少摄氏度 word箭头符号上加一斜杠怎么打绘图很麻烦啊 c上面 加个斜杠 是什么意思?就是这个符号¢ 一个C一斜杠的符号怎么打 符号斜杠怎么打 黑笔圈出的m和f(x)中间的符号,又小于等于又等号上面一斜杠的啥意思?考研数学 (1-x+x^2)(1+x)^6展开式中x^3项的系数是多少 希望有过程 (x-1/x)^n的展开式中,第3项与第6项的系数互为相反数,求展开式中系数最小的项 X+3/20X=5520过程3/20是指20分之3 20X+10(45-X)=650求过程谢谢 圆周率为多少,精确一点,怎么算的?路, 圆周率计算的那么精确有什么意义? 圆周率的精确计算方法 30+20x=90-10x 10x^2-20x-30用十字相乘法 10y-10x=1500/30 y*(1-20%)*20-20x=1200/30的一元二次方程组怎么解呢? 我写的英语短文 with the development of modern civilization .more and more technology have been used today.however,some new technology such as disposable plastic bag that give us great convenient whilealso bring us a lot problem as wellso new p 请你们帮我改我写的英语文章Do you think having a hobby is good for people's life?In what way?-Of course good,because i think hobby is not work,some rest kind ofWhen i imagine about a work that give me feel enjoying and hard but hobby just 我写的文章 求改(英文)The benefit of having a main language If there no one main language.We will not be able to exchange. There also want to express to express their meaning is not clear.So,It's very important to master a language. mor Get up“Ding ding”,Oh!What a …With two eyes closing,I’ve been searching the clock with my hands.But it doesn’t stop at all.It keeps shouting.Oh!It’s getting bigger and bigger and turns to a monster!Oh…Where am Suddenly,I opened my eyes,j 这篇短文改成英文要怎样写? 英语翻译我爱足球今天,足球已经成为了世界第一运动,越来越多的人开始喜欢踢球,我也是.我在12岁时便爱上了足球,那时候只是好奇,和同学们踢着玩.后来,我越来越喜欢足球了,并且花了很多 πR+2R=15.42求R的值,列算式 14.54417=2Rarcsin(13.857/2R) 求R怎么解?我想算一下半径,已知弧长14.54417,弦长13.857,R怎么求呢? 3*2r+2r*3/2=9 怎么解 [U/(16+R')]2R'=[U/(16+R'/4)]2R'/4 怎么解“2”是指数