
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:46:40
on a busy street 有额外的 busy street这个短语在句中解释什么?Haier Economics and Technology Developing Zone Busy Street,Hefei P.R.China 求(x^3-2)/(2x^2-4x+2)的极值要过程 f(x)=x^3+4x-5的极值过程写一下,谢谢 f‘(x)=x-2x-3的极值 f(x)=x^3-2x+3的极值 It 's _____ for people _____ _____ the busy streets there are many busy streets in shanghai .during the holi the streets c___holidays 全城的人都忙于打扫街道. ()()()are busy cleaning the streets.英语翻译,谢谢咯.我正努力学习呢.I am ( )to ( ). Nanjing Road is one of ____(busy) streets in Shanghai用所给的适当形式填空 求f(x)=2x²-4x-1在下列区间上的最大、最小值 (1).(-∞,+∞)'';(2).[-1,2];(3)[-2,0]求f(x)=2x²-4x-1在下列区间上的最大、最小值 求:(1).(-∞,+∞);(2).[-1,2];(3)[-2,0] 独具特殊优越的条件是什么成语 最宝贵的时间和最优越 的条件分别可以用哪两个成语来表示?填恰当的成语,应该填啥? (hundred) of people are on the busy street 昆明:海鸥老人塑像铭刻人鸥深情 The town of Longview has a very busy street. Welcome to Jiefang Street .It is a very busy street.On the right of the rtreet theWelcome to Jiefang Street .It is a very busy street.On the right of the rtreet there is a very beautiful building.That is the History Museum.It's a great plabe to learn 有没有人想要收养孩子的?有没有人想要收养小孩的?怀孕五个月了,因为没有结婚,又不想把孩子打掉,看有没有好心人要收养的! 有没有人知道《明朝十讲》的作者洪钊的简历啊 急要1\3x+60%x=28有没有人会做 急要 六个人,三男三女,两女相邻排,男生甲不能排两端.答案为288,这种...六个人,三男三女,两女相邻排,男生甲不能排两端.答案为288,这种解法错哪了?第一步,先把3个女的其中两个捆绑,即3A2,然后除甲 3男3女排成一排,男生甲不站两端,3女中有且只有两位女生相邻,求不同排法种数.答案列式是N=(2A2)(...3男3女排成一排,男生甲不站两端,3女中有且只有两位女生相邻,求不同排法种数.答案列式 六位同学站成一排一下各有多少种排法①六人中有三男三女,要求女生不相邻②甲不在首位也不在末位 三男三女站成一排,男甲不在两端,有且只有两女生在一起,问有多少中排法 The first thing_______my brother is going to do this afternoonis to write a letter.A which B that C why D who 如何翻译这句 this thing is going to get me 有点难度的英语语法请教,First thing I'm going to do is lock them up.请看以下这句英语口语:First thing I'm going to do is lock them up.[翻译:我要做的第一件事是把他们锁起来.]以下我分析了该句子的语法 Board games are more and more popular among______(teenager) 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 some big cities have more and more ____ (pollute) these years.划线部分 it is pleasure for me to tell you that how much i enjoyed my stay with your family during .这句话哪里错了,为什么我看答案上说要去掉that,tell后面不是加的个宾语从句吗,为什么that不对 英语翻译1、It is my pleasure towrite this letter in support of his application for XXX University.2、I have the confidence that,if given theopportunity to study at XXX University,he would achieve moreaccomplishments inhis career..If you have an tell him about my school what for,dear?l want to write a letter.中文翻译