
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:15:27
十万火急:letters-to-be-read.是什么意思啊 ___(not be)afraid to read it. walls have ears.怎么翻译 The meal is very delicious.Help [ ] A.you B.your C.yourself walls have ears这个怎么翻译 1. 他在照看妹妹. She _____ _____ her sister. 2. 我要去西藏呆一周. I'm _____ _____ Tibet ________ a1. 他在照看妹妹. She _____ _____ her sister.2. 我要去西藏呆一周. I'm _____ _____ Tibet ________ a week.3. 我要到山里 They chose Tom to be ___captain of the team becau\x01se they knew he was __smart leader.这里captain前为什么要加the不是头衔前用零冠词吗 分析句子成分They chose Tom to be the captain of the team请问to be the captain of the team 在句子中是什么成分? 亢奋、急促、焦躁、激越、凝重、平坦的近义词 He didn't see the owls swooping past in broad daylight,though people down in the street did ;这是哈利 波特 中的原句,我想知道低调后面是省略了还是怎么滴 企盼,意想不到,激越,平缓的近义词 激越的近义词是什么 Have you ever experienced peer pressure?要作为英语听说考试的文章1.英语回答,切记语病,逻辑清晰,结构合理,切记啰嗦,内容积极向上.2.朗读限时:1分30秒以上2分钟以下谢谢! 索性的近义词 寂然无声的近义词 似乎的近义词 察觉的近义词 (字数:四字以下,OK?) 近义词必须字数相同吗? he won't go to bed until his homework ——(做完) 英雄无敌6 connot find essential information in the registry failed to start the game . natrually after i told her what to do,my daughter__go and do the oppsite选A.may B.can C.must.D.SHOULD哪个 Naturally ,after i told her what to do,my daughter ___go and do the opposite!A.may B.can C.must D.should 选C.但must不是表主观吗?这里是妈妈说的,又不是主观? Naturally,after I tole her what to do,my daughter_go and do the oppsite. 根据汉语完成句子 这周我真的很忙.我要做的工作太多.I have a( )(根据汉语完成句子这周我真的很忙.我要做的工作太多.I have a( )( )week .I have( )( )work to do.谢谢你邀请我与你们共进晚餐.但是很抱 I have had a DVD for a week.这句话为什么用had a DVD.解释为我买DVD已有一周了.The weather has been cold so far this winter.这句话.so far.还有为什么用has been.这个been cold应该怎么理解它. 响亮的近义词是什么 响亮的近义词可不可以是响彻 响亮的反义词 宁静的近义词 勉励的近反义词 Is he the man that sells egg?将这个句子拆开成两个简单的句子! a farmer is selling eggs in the market.the first time he sells half of the e 海子诗中“八月之杯”的含义《海子诗全集》中有许多意向性很强的东西,有时可以理解,有时根本无法理解,对于许多诗都是这样,八月之杯.八月我坐在山谷中,看天看世界,看地看流水,你能知 连词成句you,eat,food,sweet,do,lots,of(?) make it home The an3wer is Fantastic Fantasy什么意思我是在 艾弗森战舞 的视频上看到的 maybe the picture is fantastic.