
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:21:02
《伯牙绝弦》扩写主要扩写钟子期死后伯牙会怎样.(用上一些描写音乐的词汇)!例如:钟子期死后,伯牙来到他的墓前弹奏了《高山流水》然后伯牙会干什么说什么最终把琴摔碎。 Some 数学竞赛题...髙手来答题人注意:1.一定要正确,不可马虎,乱答.2.每道题都应该有讲解,3.非诚勿扰.4.可以只答会的题,标清题号.竞赛题如下:(1)已知点P在平面直角座标系中的座标为(0,1),O为 this kind of computer ______too much .can;t afford it.A takes B spends C took D wested 英语词性填空Dear Mr. Hunt While we _____lunch last week ,I___a job in our London office,I have been authorized ___it to you. If you _____our office,it ___that your salary_______.I____to our accounts departments and,according to them, we a 梯形ABCD中,AD//BC ,AD=3,DC=5,AB=3√2,∠B=45 ,动点M从B点出发沿线段BC以每秒2个单位长度的速度向中点C运动,动点N同时从C点出发沿线段CD以每秒1个单位长度的速度向中点D运动,当MN//AB时,NC长为多少? 已知X平方-3XY-4Y平方=0求(X平方-Y平方)/(X平方+Y平方)请写.... 如果X+3/2=Y-1/3=Z-2/4,且X+Y+Z=18,求X,Y,Z的值?请写上主要思路和详细过程. 要把破损的圆片复制完整,已知弧上三点A,B,C.(1)用尺规作图找出弧BAC所在圆的圆心(写出作法)(2)设△ABC是等腰三角形,底边BC=10cm,腰AB=6cm,试求出圆片的半径R. 1.配方法:6x^2-x-12=0.2.x^2-x-5=03.方程x^2+(2a-1)x+m^2=0的实数根x1,x2,求实数a的取值范围^2 的意思是平方 用所给单词的适当形式填空 when peter ____ amistake,he says ; 英语语法问题,帮忙看看这篇作文有没有问题(日记)Today many activities,so we all got up earlyToday we are going to go in the first place is twenty-second session of Tsingtao brewstery Festival Entertainment District,we first arri 如图所示,已知 双曲线y=k/x 经过梯形ABOC的上底边,且A(-7,2),AO交BC于点D,S△ABD=3,S△BOD=9,则k=____. when ()it ()?(arrive) half an hour ago2.how many times ()the doctor ()(be)to america When ——it ——(leave)?——Half an hour ago. A:When________it________?(arrive)B:Half an hour ago.急! 有趣的一件事 用英语描述一件有趣的事,越短越好! some数学题!11.一套衣服打七折后是600元,这套衣服原价多少元?12.一批小麦的出粉率是80%,要磨出200千15克的面粉需要多少千克小麦?13.一本故事书,看了30页后还剩60%,还剩多少页没有看?14.用30克盐 先说husband,MM会说u(you),再说wife,MM会说I"""是什么意思啊 Husband, wife you would like to 什么意思?`.翻译后还是看不出... 谁知道哦? 推荐几本能查单词,有语法、练习题的书籍(辞典)? “———”“————————”写出了苏黄的友好关系和互相切磋,谈论的神情 里面填什么,应该是《核舟记》里面的 tall,is,he,how!如何变成一个感叹句 英语词性活用填空 同义句转换:I want to improve my Maths=I want to ________ my Maths ________ Sexual Intercourse是什么意思 本句语法不规范,帮我改一下some famous scientists who they take much times on their own experiments so as to cause their successful results, because some experiments need a lot of texts to point out their precision 谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will 修改语法不规范We can't let ourselves distract us from the job must be down because of lacking self-control, nor can we let mobile phone's influence stop us from our task.这句好像语法不规范,如何修改? 看一下哪里语法不规范? 顺便帮改下With the rapid development of science and technology, many inventions, one of which is the disposable plastic bag, have been made to make our daily life convenient. I can speak a little english 哪个是情态动词.哪个是不定式.指出来 有你真好 作文 800字