
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:32:35
设ω>0,函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)在区间[a,b]上递增,且在[a,b]上的值域为[-1,1],则函数g(x)……g(x)=cos(ωx+φ)在[a,b]上的单调递减区间是____ I just heard that you have not received the ad brochure and price for Ten Day's Travel in China with unknown reasons from your email.Much sorry for making you wait for so long.I have checked your address and asked my assistant to send them to you aga 已知函数f(x)=sin(2x-π/6)+cos2x求f(x)的最小周期,求f(X)的单调递减区间 第13题答案 求详解第13题 "Thanks for your Email.We will handle it in time." (a-bcosα)/sinα 的极小值?(a>b>0) 在下面空白处填上带有“心"字的词语不能重复酷爱而专注()有巧妙心思()有非分欲望()认识都一致坚持而不衰()乐于帮助别人()亲近而知己() It's a jecket ( ) English 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词:A killer whale is a good s------. 设向量a=(2,sin阿法),b=(1,cos拜它),拜它为锐角(1)若a*b=13/6,求sin拜它+cos拜它的值;()若a平行b,求sin(2拜它+派/3)的值(*为点乘) arctan(-5.671)=? arctan(A/2)+arctan(A/5)=30 求高一二化学所有方程式所有试验现象 arctan(3/4)的值 选择什么?All the students______sports at this time yesterday.All the students______sports at this time yesterday.A.did B.are doing C.were doing D.have done 心思不在这里 是指哪个词语? 心思不在这里,不符合正统思想的主张或教义 不出名不为人之道 天气十分明亮 是指哪个词语?还有 这里浮起来那里又落下来 神秘而有令人无法捉摸 根据意思写词语:运用心思,转移而不分散,精神便会集中(凝)起来 We play volleyball for two hours.(two hours画线)(就画线部分提问) — — do you play volleyball?(A)根据句意及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词.1.They have an e() trip to Beidaihe.2.W() to London in 2012.(B)情 宾馆开房的标准双人间?是不是指如果我订了这间房住进去后,它还会在没单间时塞一个客人来跟我共用一房?双人间是这样的吗?还是我一人买了就归我?还有,如果我去睡一晚该多晚去多早走呢? The students usually have volleyball for two hours.(对划线部分提问)( ) ( ) ( ) the students usually have volleyball? 教师节是Teacher's Day还是Teachers' day原因 求29,30题啊急! our car is a much older ()than yours. ()应该填model还是pattern I can play ( ) volleyball.(填冠词)我感觉这道题是不是出错了... can you play volleyball____A good B well C nice D fine Thanks for ____me to your party ____ Sunday morning.A.inviting ,in B.inviting,on C.invite,inD.invite,on 酒店“标准间”是双人间还是单人间 酒店标准间,双人间,单人间区别 计算:2sin平方60°乘以tan45°+cos30°乘以tan30° 第十三题答案