
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:30:32
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its govermont这句话什么意思 I know you are mean,but have never thought you so mean. 求一句英语翻译”很抱歉刚刚电话中的一段话没有听清“这句话邮件里怎么说 would like to volunteerto是介词? XX不X形式的成语最少5个 谁有XX如X和XX不X的成语?比如暴跳如雷和从容不迫 X不XX的成语 关于SO DO I句型的问题HE HAS BEEN TO BEIJING,SO I HAVE 还是SO HAVE so do i 是什么 句型Li Pingspeaks English very well.__Yes ,and________.They often talk in English.A.so does he B.so he doesC.so his sister does D.so does his sister 你听说过异性恋么? 1我国大部分山脉在北回归线以北,所以就我国而言,山南坡永远是阳坡,这个说法对吗?2那么我国可以讲山南水北为阳,山北水南为阴吗?(仅就我国而言).3南半球南回归线以南的山脉是相反的吗 求和extreme ways一种风格的歌曲像extreme ways那样的很随便,很轻松的歌曲,节奏又不紧不慢的 Extreme Ways 这句话怎么翻译?Hand it all,we can’t wait all day for him. 重字组词 重能组的词词语,组词啊越多越好 重的组词 "组词"有重分.谁帮我组一个带"辉"或者"晖"字的成语,只要有一个字在里面就行,现成的自己编的都可以.本人非常感谢.最好是气势磅礴的,或者是有斗志昂扬的,风度偏偏的也可以. extreme ways的纯音乐extreme ways 求他的纯音乐 不要唱的 英语翻译最好帮我在写一句例句, do i之类的句子 重怎么组词 We are looking forward to see the player改错 In the box there are two thousands I haven’t seen my old friends for years. I’m really looking forward to _ them.A. meet B. met C. meets D. meeting extreme ways——moby的伴奏! he has a stomachache的同意句是什么 he has a stomachache中文 my little brither has a stomachache的同义句 李白有三个儿子?是不是都是傻瓜 were you taught to read by your parents 改成被动式如题还有:are we going to be met the train station by your cousin?改被动. “组织XX活动”用英文怎么讲?要稍微正式一点的说法 animal friends 为什么要把s放在friend