
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:59:10
chair,my,next,is,to,desk,the,连词成句 胚芽鞘是通过什么感光并运输生长素? 三角函数.急, The White House is in____(name of a city) 帮我翻译下列英语单词:the king of kings,theking,the viper,the animal,sexy boy,Apex Predator?如题.一个一个单词翻译一下,谢谢了~ It is capital city of the US.It is a big city.The white House is in this city .是什么啊 求y=1+sinx,x∈r的单调区间 问一道三角函数的小细节帮我答一下谢谢!我不懂的是这一步怎么来的有怎么得到最小值是1-根号2啊! 三角函数的, 生长素从琼脂块到胚芽鞘属于什么运输? 你那条三角函数题是对的,可不可以再在你的回答下面补充一下你的做法? He lives in a house; its roof is red. He lives in a house,whose roof is red. 温特的实验中生长素从胚芽鞘尖端基部进入琼脂快的方式是什么? 胚芽鞘倒置,在上方放一块有生长素的琼脂块,生长素能否向下传递? king of kind of的用法和区别 KING OF ALL god of the gods,king of the 或者有什么含义? 白宫 The White House 的介绍回答要英文的.星期一一到, 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.——(put) these bottles on the table.2.She's _____(sit)under the tree.快3.Please give _____(I) an apple.4.There are some ———(knife)on the plate.5.Take off ____(you)coat,please.6.What must I______(do)?7 求y=x+sinx的单调区间 求函数y=1 sinx(x属于R)的单调区间 s her lifestyle _____ yours?A.same as B.different C.the same with D.different fromwhy? About a week ago,I noticed a group of boys picking on a smaller boy in our local这是一篇文章的开头 谁知道全文.给我 about a week ago,my 4-year-old cousin and i were playing basketball at our ...这篇阅读的全文谁有 her lifestyle is the same as____,but _____is different.A your,my B your,mine C yours,mine Dyou,my her bike is different( ) mine but the same( )the boy's A with;to B from;to C from;as D with;as about a week ago,i noticed a group of boys picking on a smaller boy 原文 1.一元二次方程2X的平方=X+6的一次项数是( )A.2 B.1 C.6 D.-12.下列命题是假命题的是( )A.如果两个角是对顶角,那么他们相等B.同位角相等C.三角形中相等的边所对的角相等D.全等直角三角形的两个 A.B两个数的最小公倍数是35,这两个数可能是( )和( )?或( )和( ) 为庆祝新年,某宿舍的所有成员都互相赠送贺卡一张,一共送出56张,则这个宿舍有多少人? 一三角形的周长为36厘米,面积为18平方厘它的内切圆半径是多少请答理由