
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:05:11
Now we are not afraid,Although we know there's much to fear.We will stay together forever 谁知道歌词有we can stay together we could say it forever (大体是这样 女声) We will get together forever.什么含义?有助于回答者给出准确的答案 what are you doing for vacation .为什么用介词for 而不用on? vacation是假期的的意思,那么他的介词搭配 on vacation与for vacation有什么区别么?同上 红包用英文怎么写 cross your Thanks for sth.与Thanks for doing sth.的区别? If you don't leave me ,we will die together.请勿直译,按照我们中文,翻译的有水准一点,你们会怎么翻? will we together 求歌名,急求歌词我记得.是在天天向上 前田敦舞团他们跳舞的时候听到了,我仔细听了歌词是这样的,这是90年代的歌 :who's like that who's like that ,还有 you will be there will we together 超 I believe that we will be together forever.什么意思? 找茬.例子:I like read books.read改为reading.1.what are your favorite fruit?()改为()2.I like apple()改为().3.My father is a engineer.()改为().4.my father can drives a car()改为().5.Alan is an england boy 天干地支的简便算法? 英语翻译单词不要太难.这单元是定语从句.只是大概意思,不用太纠结字面了,意思差不多就行.1.一个来自加拿大的普通女孩,在她17岁那年,独自来到美国纽约,去寻找并实现自己的音乐梦想.2.在 关于天干地支的算法我是1978年的,如果按下面的方法计算出来是戊辰年,1978年是戊午年才对啊,请问是怎么回事呢?天干地支纪年法:首先是天干在前,地支在后,比如今年2005就为-乙酉年,先来算 求天干地支算法我是农历1989年6月8日中午11点出生,求大侠帮我算算按天干地支是怎么算的, 作文难忘的第一次400~500左右字数,不要那种太老套的,还有不能让老师认出来,不然我就惨了.要好一点啊,不要做饭,不要洗碗! There are many shops and restaurants close to my home. “close to”可否改为“near”? What kinds of small shops are there near your home?是问有那些商店类型吗?有哪些,怎么回答 最可爱的人英文..最可爱的人的英文怎么写?是不是lovets'pelpa?2楼的!什么跟什么啊?是“最可爱的人”!不是什么心爱! 天干地支法? 世界上最可爱的人!都给我回答得超级搞笑的!不笑死我我不给分的哦!知道没?我哈哈去咯! I like reading books. 这句话的三单、一般疑问句、否定句、划线提问句I like reading books. 这句话的三单、一般疑问句、否定句、划线提问句(画I)怎么转换,告答案 世界上最可爱的人是谁? 求一篇写老师,您真好的作文,字数500字.(要举实例) 写事的作文小学六年级字数多一点,事例新奇,题材不限 美音和英音怎么区分?怎样听出别人说的是美音还是英音? 以《从身边事做起,保护地球家园》为题,写一篇短文,文体不限,字数不限.十万火急 英语翻译I’ll send you a photo of Lucky.Dear Miss Li,I’d like to thank you for sending money to “ Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help disabled people.You see,you have helped make it posiible for me to have “Lucky”,who has fi 英语翻译I’ll send you a photo of Lucky.Dear Miss Li,I’d like to thank you for sending money to “ Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help disabled people.You see,you have helped make it posiible for me to have “Lucky”,who has fi 如果老师叫你随便写一篇文章上交,你会写些什么(不限文体和字数) “发”字的所有意思?