
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:47:45
always someone play(ing)the piano是一首英文歌的歌词,男的唱的,蛮好听的 Mam said"I will buy food in this story tomorrow".转为间接引语句 He said “I will go to visit the museum tomorrow”.(what)按要求改句 He said he ___to the railway station to __ tomorrow.A.was going;set us off B.will go;set off usHe said he ___to the railway station to __ tomorrow.A.was going;set us off B.was going ;see us off C . will you go to the downtown tomorrow?_____ .but it is said that it will rain tomorrow.A Have no idea B it doesn't matter C it depents D as usual选哪个 什么是BRT公交车? 一束红光射向蓝色玻璃,则眼睛看到的玻璃的颜色是A红B蓝C白D黑 can it be in the office ___you left your umbrella?选项:A where B in which选哪个?为什么? i left my umbrella in my office .Could you wait_____I go back to get it?a.when b.if c.while d.before Can it be in the office you left you umbrella.A where B that C which D in which为什么Can it be in the office————— you left you umbrella.A where B that C which D in which -paul invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening.-______Is tomorrow his birthday?Awhy not Bwhat a good idea Cwhat for Dthat's all right Can you find it?O T T F F S S N TA.NB.E这是一道选择题,可我连题目都看不懂! 在Can you tell me (__who it was that__) took my umbrella by mistake?I can't find it anywhere.这个句子中 划线部分是宾语从句, 在线英汉汉英词典,可以发音的 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》怎么看发音?比如ceremony标的是/'serəməni ; AmE-məuni ‖ 'sεrə,moni/ 怎么有三个发音? 求在线英汉汉英词典(无需安装软件),并有正确发音朗读(一定要有朗读), 这句话为什么是病句?所谓“皮革奶”是指利用已经废弃的动物皮革制品、动物毛发水解为皮革水解蛋白后,混入到牛奶中,以提高产品中蛋白质含量. 一下这些句子的病句是什么样的,请修改,修改下列病句,把正确的答案写在病句下面题目一、泡桐树的叶子全都落到了地上和路上.题目二、泡桐树的花和叶子开的是那么旺盛.搞错了,问题不 Please tell me .Where will we have a picnic tomorrow?(合并为一句)Please tell me where _______ _______ _________a picnic tomorrow. Can you tell me where I should go tomorrow? 请教they will be meeting us请问这里的be没有可以吗?they will meet us这样可以吗? 3230英汉汉英互译词典到哪里找 跪求一部手机英汉汉英互译词典我的手机型号是诺基亚C5-03,想要一个英汉汉英互译的词典,也简洁越好,求各位大哥大姐帮帮小弟 The young people will be meeting them. 如上,请问这是主谓宾结构吗?young是表语吗? 单机翻译英汉汉英用什么软件 偶尔听到一首英文歌,男声,很悲伤的.歌词大概是 everything I do(?) ,wrong(?)...everything you ...貌似高潮部分总是一句歌词,再加一个形容词.好像是比较新的歌!也不一定是 everything ,可能是whatever...不 英语单词收获、赠送、活泼、严肃、勇气... Whom I do not want to give up the pride of the soul Whom I do not want to give up the pride of the soul 英语翻译如上 勇气这个词用英语可以有几种说法呢?除了单词还包括词组之类的, I want to give you a heart of the home 有一台计算器,只有两个运算键,红键把给的数乘2,黄键把给的数的最后一个数字去掉.如果开始给的数是8,为了得到数17,那么除了要按若干次红键外,至少要按黄键多少次?一副扑克牌去掉大小王