
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:03:16
如图,在直角三角形ABC中,AC≠AB,AD是斜边上的高,DE⊥AC,DF⊥AB,垂足分别为E、F,则图中与∠C(∠C除外)相等的角的个数是( )A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 初一数学题,第五道选择题,要解释!快,急 简单初一数学选择题,说明理由若三角形三边a.b.c满足(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)=0,则三角形ABC的形状是( )A.等腰三角形B.直角三角形C.等边三角形D.锐角三角形 人生不断的在做选择题,对的错的都必须自己承担,因为是自己选择的. 我想知道B为什么是错的配料 精盐,碘酸钾,抗结剂碘含量 35mg/kg加减15mg/kg储存方法 密封,避光,防潮使用方法 烹饪是,待食品熟后加入碘盐下表是某食用碘盐包装袋上的部分说明,则下列说法正确 有没有修改病句.要有答案和为什么错了.我要展示谢谢 帮我看看一些我想不明白的事?春运中,你,你老公,你老公的妹妹三个人准备坐火车回上班的地方,要坐14个小时呢,这时有一张假票,而家里说可以让两个人搭顺路车,A:假票给他妹妹,你们两个坐 练习:1.All the _____teachers and______students are having a meeting there.A.women …girls B.women… girl C.woman…girls D.woman…girl 2.Mr Black is a friend of _________.A.Jack's aunt's B.Jack's aunt C.Jack aunt's D.aunt's of Jack 3.This toy 选对答案的概率是多少?先找出基本事件空间一道题的答案的基本事件空间是:随便从中选一个选A的话 答对的概率也就是1/4 选其他选项 当然答对的概率都是1/4所以不管自己选的是什么(就 20道选择题(4选1)选中5条的概率公式 假设二十道选择题(四个备选答案A B C D),在不会的情况下,猜20道,全错的概率是多少?(带步骤来)来权威,不会的别扰...10分等你拿... 蒙对选择题(4选1)的概率是不是十六分之一呀?蒙出一个选项(例如B)的概率是四分之一,而这个选项(B)是正确答案的概率又有四分之一,是十六分之一呀! 有10个四选一的选择题,某同学一个都不会用做,于是每题都随机选择,求同学做对三个以上的概率 为什么我理综选择题总是错很多啊! 为什么数学选择题总是错很多.我每次考试数学选择题总是对几个,二卷的分经常比一卷高几倍!怎么办? 为什么政治历史选择题会错很多?我是一名高2文科生,我觉得我背书背得还可以,但就是在做历史和政治的选择题的时候会错8个甚至以上!这是怎么回事?我该怎么办?请不要粘贴别人的长篇大论! 为什么选择题总是 有对有错 现在是高三英语选择题总是错很多怎么办? 它是对还是错? 选择题答案错的,求正确答案 请问这三道选择题哪道错 我的可能是错的 This boy is able to repeat from memory ______ 200 short poems.A.up to B.up till C.as to D.as far 2.In Shanghai,city planners have made many places for green belts and garden _____.A.places B.lots C.spaces D.strips 3.Though we have spent two nights in 1.Now,with our stock __________ ,the maximum we can supply is 50 tons.A. diminishes\x0bB. diminished C. diminish D. being diminished 2.I am sure that this quality is superior__________ that.A. from B. to C. than D. for 3.It __________ 帮我做5道高3英语选择题,给50分,速度,急!1.knowing little of the law has----his life-long imprisonment. what a shame!a resulted form b suffered formc led to d run into2.tom,where are the cookies? don't tell me you a 答得好+50分!1.----OH,there is someone in the room.----( ) must be my beother.A.He B.This C.It2.Linda always takes ( ) active part in sports after school.A./ B.a C.an3.This is my twin sister Lucy .Both she and I ( ) good at drawingA.am B.is C.are We don't allow ____in our office,but we allow people___in the smokimg roomA to smoke ,to smoke B smoking,to smoke C smokimg,smoking D to smoke,smoking 1.Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?A.Language is a system B.Language is symbolicC.Animals also have language D.Language is arbitrary 2.Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language?A.Symboli 【高额悬赏】关于英语语言学的理论问题.(最佳答案追加100分)麻烦高手列出所有英语语言学的理论及其理论的提出者.格式最好是这样的:(一定要有对应的汉语翻译!)Universal Grammar—— 英语语言学的选择题The following statement "There is a mixture of the tiger ad the ape in the character of a Frenchman" is an example of ___.a. metonymyb. synecdochec. antonomasiad. personification 英语语言学选择题Componential Analysis is a way proposed by the ____ semanticists to analyze the word meaning.A.structural B.cognitivec.behavioral D.functional 英语语言学选择题,选哪个呢?Pair ____falls into the syntagmatic association.a.soak--stains b.pen--pencilc.important--crucial d.farm-harm