
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:28:33
end up doing与end up with doing区别If he continues like this,he will__a stone only to have it drop on his own foot,just as the saying goes.为什么用end up lifting而不用end up with lifting呢, do you think health is more important than good grades or a successful career?why or why not 五题单选. 五题,单选 怎么下高中英语同步课文听力啊 单选,一共四题 the movie hero is a great success.改为同义句 考CCNA外语不好 有过的吗 外语是真的不行的 I think science is_____than JapaneseA.much importantB.importantC.much more importantD.more much important i think science is more useful than art.I disagree.i think art is____ science.A.not so useful as B.less useful than C.the most useful of D.as useful as 选什么 上海优思科美语学堂在什么地方、教学质量如何! I think q___ is more important than the price. 哪版英英互译词典好?英英互译词典有助于英语思维,选哪种好呢朗文?牛津?其他? 谁有中西互译词典 我想表达用英语表达 我的听力太差了以至于我在听力考试中不能很好的理解它在讲什么 翻译成英语不要口语化,注意语法 中日互译词典带读音的 数控车螺纹如何对刀 数控车对刀问题1.如何判断机床是否使用基准刀了?2.在加工第一个端面时每刀都对过,调头加工时还用对刀吗? 数控车螺纹怎样重新对刀 一、1.I think science is _ than Japanese.A.much important B.important C.much more important D. 1.I think science is_____than Japanese. a.much im1.I think science is_____than Japanese.a.much important b.important c.much more important d.more much important We will have to meet up some day啥意思? 英语翻译I didn't find it interesting,Listening,I didn't find it interesting,Talking,So I left the house-------I went miles and miles-----And I didn't find it interesting,Walking.I didn't find it interesting,Reading,I didn't find it interesting,Wr 英语翻译这是首歌When you're alone,I want you to know,I'll be back some day,When you're alone,I want you to know,I'll be back some day,It's time for me to have to go,Away for so long,To make our own paradise,But dreams don't come easy you've g 英语翻译像有道词典那样可以划词、取词翻译,不过它必须连英特网才好用,哪款词典可以不用连接网络,也可像有道词典那样取词划词翻译的软件? 湖北2010年6月20号英语三级题目和答案!有的大哥大姐分享哈子!无限感激! oh baby you are only one .i can see.some will run 是什么歌曲里面的啊是一个女的唱的. 我有一硬币,一面是一只双头鹰,和俄国国徽上的不一样,上面写的不是英语,日期写的是1998,铜色,请问谁知道! 国徽的基本含义是什么? How often do you have sports 英翻汉 写英语辨音题有什么方法 He is afraid his "Pap" will kill him some day.pap