
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:00:34
we will can change many things on twenty days .这句话有错吗? Don't worry about things so much.It will make you stressed out翻译 I will certainly tell him____pleased I am with his gift.A what B how C who D whom I am is ( ) active gril.括号中该填a还是an He took out some money and gave___ to the farmer用it 还是them No free plastic bags in the supermarket helpsto -----white pollutionA reduce B remove C provide D produce 英语翻译生日快乐哦~我想对你说:求你不要忘记爱你的我,毕竟我为你付出过,我会记你一辈子的,因为我爱你. since june 1st,2008,all the supermarket have 什么 free plastic bags A.to stop to provideB.to stop providing C.stopped to provide D.stoppedproviding.不仅要答案,请把依据也说出来. when you buy things,they (usually put)in plastic bags at the supermarket如题,用所给动词适当形式填空注意:是改为被动语态 My English ----- at 5:00.A.finish B.finishes C.finishs D.to finishMy English ----- at 5:00.( )A.finish B.finishes C.finishs D.to finish My English class ____ at 9:00A.finish B.finishs C.finishes D to funush The game ------at 4:00 pm.A.finish B.finishes C.finishs D.to finish The game ---- at 4;00 P.M A,finish B,finishes C, finishs D, to finish 选哪个啊 多种多样的鲜花盛开,色彩绚烂,像锦绣一样的成语 根据意思写成语 姿态和色彩多种多样 是什么成语 关于鲜花盛开的四字成语 来点恐怖嗜血的话`句子点恐怖的话句子 比如人,活够了就要死.惹我等于ZI杀 冰冷的死亡感觉 狠狠震撼着灵魂 类似于“我这个人不太会说话,有什么地方冒犯你的话,你他妈来打我啊”这样的句子 who was the first person______ today 填 spoke with you 错在哪 为什么填 you spoke to 速求描写人物外貌的精彩语句(一定要是句子!) 男生和女生的都要,好的话还有额外奖励一定要有哇.是帮同学写小说所必备的材料 英语翻译A spoke to you B you spoke to C you spoke D whom you spoke 39.Do you remember who was the first person .39.Do you remember who was the first person () .A.spoke to youB.you spokeC.whom you spokeD.you speak to on which,in which,where的区别.要详细点呐.唔……谢啦. 那么爱你的我 那么爱你的我如题,一首歌里的歌词,旋律很抒情,注意,请注意,不是《够爱》也不是《左边》.因为这两句歌词基本是连在一起的,很美的感觉.有谁知道.说下.也不是《给一个理由 feel guilty接什么介词?for 还是 to?好像也有+ to的,of的用法呢?谁能详细点给我说下呢? i feel u.feel GF送我的戒指上刻着的 I often feel guilty just sitting around中guilty是形容词吗?那它又怎么作 sitting around的主语呢?请帮我分析一下这个句子?怎么翻译? 如何将our school starts at eight in the moring 改成否定句为our school at eight in ? ? the moring 鲜花盛开是什么意思 鲜花盛开的意思是神马?请告诉我字典上的意思 呲牙是什么意思 Try to act ( ),even if you feel nervous.A.as confidence B.confidently C.confidentially D.confiding