
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:47:40
重庆英文简介如题,100字以内 已知a+b=0,b+c=0,c+d=0.d+f=0,则a.b.c.d四个数中,哪些数互为相反数?哪些数相等?在此先谢过各位神一般的大哥大姐! 有哪些古代聪明孩子的故事?(要文言文) 古代聪明孩子的故事(文言文)要译文要快! 古代儿童聪明的文言文关于古代儿童聪明伶俐的文言文? 请帮我找几则聪明儿童的文言故事要有本文.名称.译文. 英语译成中文Picking at a worried seamI try to make you mad at me over the phoneRed eyes and fire and signsI'm taken by a nursery rhymeI want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave homeNo amount of coffeeNo amount of cryingNo amount of whiske 英语高手请进,译成中文.Ultimately it's the person not where they came from that matters but would like an Asian girlfriend.其中that matters but would like 不懂.整句翻译翻译 请帮我把这段英语译成中文~Well it is good to hear from your again.you know it is hard to type Chinese now i had my own laptop (computer) and i can not type Chinese and i know that it is busier in secondary school and i just want you to kno 把英语译成中文The flounder gave the woman many things .She gave the woman a big house ,some nice food,but the woman came to the sea again.This time she wanted to have new clothes. 读古诗《游子吟》,写一篇想象文字数600!不敢少字!要自创的作文,不是提示! 读古诗《游子吟》写一篇想象文章 1.Do you know____this dictionary belongs to?Let me see.Oh,it's____.A who,mine B who,me C whose,mine D whose,me2.Since June 1st last year,all the supermarkets have___free plastic bags.A to stop to provide B to stop proviting Cstopped to provide D stop 用be doing结构翻译下列句子1.你们什么时候动身?2.我准备去香港拜访我的朋友3.今天晚上我打算在家看电视4.他打算在假期踢足球 帮忙翻译一下,英文译成中文,谢谢!Refusal and UtopiaThis discussion has focused on only a few areas of Marcuse’s thought ,chosen for their possible relation to public administration theory.It is heady stuff, surprising in the way radic 词组翻译:1.使某人做某事 __________ 2.相信他所说的话 __________单项选择( )1.He is _____ than I think.A.more friend B.many friends C.more friendly D.much friendly( )2.Thank you for to _____ me.I’m very glad to hear from 初二英语第十题 意林和格言等杂志的读后感没事的绕道 大家能推荐一下类似《读者》、《青年文摘》、《意林》、《格言》等的杂志吗?多多益善,共同提高嘛. 大放血!推荐一种有利于高中生写作的杂志(除外)一定要有利于高中生写作,答得好追加100分 好词好段摘抄大全 描写秋天景色 秋天好词好句好段摘抄大全 在什么一般疑问句中用do/does 在什么一般疑问句中用is/are? 我的新年很欢乐 的英文,1.这里的new year 2.欢乐是用happy还是happily?如果不是用happily,那么happily应该怎么造句? 1.刘老师对每个学生都很友好.Miss Liu____ ____ ____every students.2.我爸爸是当警察的.My father ____ ____a policeman.3.My father likes reading m______after supper.4.Do you know the answer_____the questions?A.on B.of c.for D.to5.I am 初一英语的几个问题求解1.名字和姓名的各两种表达方法2.I hava()guod firends hereAsome Bany 加适当解说 3.英语写汉语名字(拼音)时格式是怎样的?4.翻译:He is my letterIs she's your mother?都挺简单 甲乙的平均数是21,甲丙的平均数是20,乙丙的平均数是25,这3个数个是多少? 英语翻译droceed with imago file cremtiondroceed with disk restoredestination drive will be permanenthy overwritten 求小学生好词好句摘抄大全!急、、、!额 急 真的 快1~ 小学生好词好句摘抄大全文化 小学生好词好句摘抄大全.我会给很多悬赏的如果好的话,我会给更多悬赏的 matlab,求不规则三维图形体积?各位大虾,小弟因最后这个数据处理问题论文迟迟不能写成,求助!:'( 我测量的x,y的坐标规则,但是Z坐标不规则,用surf(x,y,z)函数,从而形成一个不规则的三维图形