
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:04:54
中国人民银行用英语怎么说? 中国工商,招商,人民银行用英语怎么说? “中国人民银行武汉市中心支行”用英语怎么说?要标准版的.我以前好象看到是“People's Bank of China",还有那个中心支行是不是用"wuhan subbranch"啊?而且这个需不需要大写?一定要很标准的翻译 一警察追小偷,跑着跑着,小偷面前出现一条河,河宽12米,他旁边还有一棵12米高的树,树上叶子掉光了,小偷围了个围脖有6米长,问小偷要怎么过河? 有一个警察追小偷得的游戏,叫什么名字啊?在哪儿找得到啊?就是左右键一直按,控制小偷跑,空格键打障碍物,障碍物绊倒警察,警察是电脑. 上课时,突然进来飞进一只小鸟, Some say love is a hunger,an endless aching need.I say it's the hear afraid of breaking . Some say love,it is a hunger,an endless aching ne Sorry、I think I need some idiot some say love,it is a hunger an end less a ching need 英语翻译A pregunta a B 这句话翻译成中文.其中 A,B是人名 英语翻译现在收到一个产品,外包装都是西班牙语,什么都看不懂,希望懂西班牙语的朋友帮下忙,为满足我的好奇心, 英语翻译Muchas gracisUn beso y nos vemos prontito.estamos en contacto. 帮下忙级啊,1、稗官野史 2、繁文缛节 3、觥筹交错 4、舐犊情深5、众口铄金 6、不落窠臼 7、高屋建瓴 8、飒爽英姿9、邂逅相遇 10、自怨自艾 11、咄咄逼人 12、暴戾恣睢13、放荡不羁 14、海市 偷盗销赃 毕竟不同 有关忙的成语. need some time to myself上面的短语是什么意思 we didnt need to hurry,there was plenty of time为什么用didnt need to 而不用needn't have done i need some time to know什么意思 有时我们需要花些时间引入一个请求 We need to spend some time _____ ______ _____a regust sometimes 英语填空题——We sometimes need to spend some time _in to a question. 英语翻译Cuéntase -pero Alah es más sa­bio,mas prudente,más poderoso y más benéfico- que en lo que trans­currió en la antigüedad del tiempo y en lo pasado de la edad,hubo un rey entre los reyes de Sassan,en las islas de la India y d 为什么Wish后加That从句而不加''That''? hope that和wish that的宾语从句 (shelf,borrow,use,some,purple) Do you have _____ new story books?My wallet is ________.He _______ his dictionary now.The books are on those ______.May I ______ your pen?根据汉语意思,完成下列句子You must return them _____ _______(按时) Can you___me some money?A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.have 为什么选B啊 I would like to learn chinese I need some advice please tell me where I could find them do you have any...可不可以换成do you have some. You uoght to have given them some advice?So I did.为什么不用So I ought? I need some things for class this afternoon.Can you bring them to school for me,please? 填空求讲解.“You ought to have given them some advice.” “( ),but who cared what I said?”A.So ought IB.So I oughtC.So I haveD.So I did我选A,但答案选D,求讲解. nstead of them .And you need to do some ____ every day.