
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:11:14
this is________(我的)book.That is_____(你的) 有没有The boy paid for the book with the money这种说法?那如果没有,the boy____the book____the money...要怎么用pay for It__ I had no money with me at the moment.A:is so happende that B:was so happened that C:so happed which D:so happened that应该选择哪个呢,为什么啊,那个happened意思用法什么的帮忙分析下, I bought a new中间填a字母开头的单词 with the money. the one with money 这边的with是 It ____ my mother ten cents to buy the book?能填cost吗? IF cost me to buy the book.这句英语的同意句是什么 谁告诉下 we had hardly arrived there ( )it began to rainA.since B.before C.than D.when wear,put on,dress ,have on,be in ,try on的区别……哎,头都大了.一道选词填空,变态到全是“穿”. with his money____,he couldn't go home. A.leaving B.missed out D.running out为什么是running,不是应该被动关系么 with his money ______,he couldn't go home.A.leaving B.missed out D.running out with his money ______,he couldn't go home.A.leaving B.missed out D.running out 为什么不选B? he was now returning home with the money which he had put in his pocket book. He with his mother _____at home. Linda is a good girl.A.SO SHE IS is she she does does she have on,put on,wear,dress区别? wear’ dress‘ put on‘ have的用法Many girls enjoy ___ skirts in spring.A.wearing B .dressing C .putting on D.having A.B 为什么不可以? 在三角形中,一个内角的角平分线与它的对边相交,这个角的顶点与交点之间的线段叫做( ). 1三角形的角平分线从连接三角形的一个顶点和这个角____与对边交点的线段叫做三角形的角平分线2直角三角形的两锐角____有两个角____的三角形是直角三角形 他这么说我,我不知道他什么意思如题 谢谢了昨天晚上我因为吃醋所以发短信对他说,他和他办公室的女同事暧昧,我不喜欢他很照顾她,我告诉他我会吃醋,但是他没有回复我.今天他也没有说话 急~~高级智商题目,猜十二生肖之一:我昨天梦见自己去月球旅行了,野猫高高说,真浪漫,野猫贴贴说,不那是恶梦,高高打断道,为什么?我发现自己的手机在那里没信号! 七月是最热的季节吗 现在的墨西哥是什么季节(七月) 七月怎么形容的季节特征5月春季盎然,姹紫嫣红,晴日暖风生麦气,绿阴幽草胜花时 用同样的方式形容下7月。 如果一个季节代表一种颜色,那么,七月是什么色?有谁人能知? 英语翻译我同意让孩子们明天骑车去西山.the West Hill tomorrow.3.我很乐意教你制作主页.I 他经常在公共汽车上把座位让给需要的人.He .5.课后我常和我的朋友们一起练习下国际象棋.After clas He has not got enough money with______he can buy the computer.A.that B.which D.whom选什么? you can buy the dictionary if you take enough money with you 同义句Take enough money with you ,____ ____ ___ buy the dictionary 求答案,填空题就行 全部填空题只要答案就行 求一道医药数理统计的填空题答案,请直接给我答案,别说要我自己翻书做.虽然我会做,但是它所谓的样本函数到底是指什么我不能确定,请给我确定的答案, 几道高中的填空题,在8:30前给我答案1.y=(x-1)/(3x+2)的对称中心为( )2.若y=log2(x平方-ax-a+1)在(1,+∞)上为增函数,则a∈( )3.若f(3+x)+f(1-x)=3则y=f(x)的图像关于点( )对称4.当x∈(0,1/2)时 x平方-loga 选词填空 wear、put on、dress、have on、be in 、try on1.I have had my hair cut and i'm ____ this pair of black glasses.2.The boy is too young to____hinself.3.The tailor told the boy to take off his old coat and ____the new one4.The color is O