
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:05:26
怎样能快速记住并且背下英语单词 怎么快速背英语单词背了两个小时的单词 居然才背了40个 很无奈 怎样可以快速背英语单词?我老是单词记不住怎么办呢? 怎样背英语单词快 英语单词,4 求4级英语词汇 高一英语单词填空1.Playing basketball is one form of p_____exercise.2.We are now going to i______ the Minister of Education.3.What he sadi doesn't r______to his action.4.It's an a_____ if you know how to pe.5.You should c____ the exact moneny 英语单词填空A(n) o___ language is a language that is given a special legal status in a particular country . 高一英语单词填空(急!)A:Why are you looking so tired and u_?B:I stayed up l_ last night because my daughter was missing!A:I'm sorry to hear that.But what happened?B:Yesterday morning she went for an o_ with some friends but n_ of 高一英语词汇填空1.They often do some _____-(身体的)exercise after school2.They _____ don't know what the future will bring and keep waiting till after the election.(base)3.Her son,to whom she was so____(深爱),went abroad ten years ago. 高一英语单词填空2首字母已给1.P__.I think the term that won first place cheated in the game.2.It's not a problem picking you up tomorrow,I have to go that way a__.3.The care centers will be set up for the women who are s__ fro 1到130的英语单词怎么写? 1/6的英语单词怎么写 英语单词拼法请问 如果遇到不认识的单词不懂读 有没有音标要怎么快速的读出来呢比如名字之类的单词或陌生的单词 发“兹”音的英语单词拼法zi或zhi音的英语单词拼法,不需要是词典出现的单词,只要提供拼法 发“吱”音的英语单词拼法或音类似“之”音的英语单词拼法,不管这个单词是否存在都可以. "地方"这个英语单词拼法 4:50英语单词怎么写 用50个英语单词写一段自我介绍我叫某某某,性格活泼可爱,今年13岁家庭成员有爸爸,妈妈,奶奶,外婆,外公,小姨,还有一个一年级的妹妹和一个初中二年级的姐姐. 英语单词填空(请在11月18号之前答复,否则不被采纳)1.That is a d____ film and I think we have to leave the cinema.2.It is going to rain so we have to find a s____ to protect us from the rain.3.After her g____ from college,she foun 很快用英语单词怎么拼写 (十一月)英语单词怎么拼? 十二的英语单词怎么写 1到12月的英语单词 怎么快速背1月到12月的英语单词 从一至十二月的英语单词写法 谁能告诉我1到12月的英语单词是什么 十二个月的英语单词写法星期一至星期天的英语单词四个季节的英语单词列出初中所学的英语单词 急求十二个月份的英语单词 一年12个月的英语单词怎么拼? 十二个月份的英语单词 几道英语单词拼写题目Happiness is a kind of good fWith the help of the f ,a camera can take photos at night.The bird f killed a lot of birds.