
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:06:55
五、单项选择 ( )1.What this on the desk?A.am B.is C.are D.be ( )2.Tom and I students.A.am( )1.What this on the desk?A.am B.is C.are D.be( )2.Tom and I students.A.am B.is C.are D.be( )3.Don't sad again.A.am B.is C.are D.be( )4.There's a door the a twin bed is a bed for one personzhong wen yi si? linda are a gond girl.she get up early in the morning.she wash her face and brush her teeth.then she have her brekfast.she go to school at half past seven.now it eight thirty.linda and her classmates is have a maths lesson.mr wang is writeing aquesti "中国信息中心"用英语怎么翻译?是不是China internet network information center? 在没有阳光照射的房间里适合养什么花?拜托各位大神 哪些花不适宜养在房间里? dose she ( )up in the morning early She gets up early in the morning(变否定句) She get up____(early) she left the recession early becase she【 】get up early the next morningA had to Bused to C might Dneeded She has no friends in China同义句Let's not go to the park.同义句 beds的英标是什么 would you like twin beds or a double?翻译 double,twin,bi的区别在车界,double clutch(双离合),twin turbo(双涡轮),bi turbo(双涡轮)中的double,twin,bi都是“双”的意思,但是为什么用了不同的词? grandparents,they,my,grandson,I'm,and,their,are怎么连成一句话 如果没有宇宙,那现在是什麽样? 如果没有宇宙? 用my,they ,were,old,grandparents连词成句急! 如果没有宇宙会是什麽样子? This is her first time to China and she wants to ( ) some friends there.A.makeB.making C.doD.having如果可以请解释. 用简单的英语解释下列句子(就是改一下同义词,其它不变)例如:The boy 【feels like】 watching the action movie.The boy want to watching the action movie.1、Kelly often helps me.__________________2、【Nearly】 everyone 把They do the their homework in the evening改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定和否定的回答 She will buy some CDs_____ a Chinese singer.有三个选项 A for B by C AorB选哪一个 为什么? 我的追问 2010-08-23 21:54 they __ tv in the evening they do their homework A ae watching B can't watching Cdon't wathch D don't watching today jim ____ white shirt and brown trousers A is putting on B wear C put on D is wearing ___there any men i 圆C:(x-1)^2+(y-3)^2=16 直线L(2m+3)x+(m+4)y+2m-2=01 当M取任意实数时,直线L和圆的位置有无变性,试说明理由2请判断直线L被圆C截的弦长最短,并求截得最短时M的值以及弦的长度a 2012年英语六级怎么报名 已知点A(9,M-5)与点B(2M+3,6)是平行于Y轴的一条直线上的两点,求AB两点的坐标 已知点A(m-3,-2),(2,2m+1).(1)若直线AB垂直于x轴,求A,B两点的坐标 (2)若直线AB垂直于y轴,求A,B两点 已知直线AB平行于X轴,且直线上不同两点A,B的坐标分别为A(3,7-2m)、B(2m,m-2),则线段AB的长为___. 已知直线y=2mx+2m(m>0)与x轴y轴分别交于AC两点,点B的坐标为(3,0)有一抛物线经过AB两点,且顶点P在直线y=2mx+2m(m>0)上当△PBC为直角三角形时,求出m的值 好像有两种当m=1时,将线段CP在直线y 请以“我的低碳生活”为题,写一篇作文,300字左右.写完后再给分. 请问挪威,瑞典,芬兰的纬度分别是从多少度到多少度?