
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:29:44
英语翻译When the electrode slipping device and the oil hydraulic lifting cylinder are docked after completing hydraulic piping,...electrode slipping device 电极压放装置oil dydraulic lifting cylinder 液压提升缸主要在于are docked不 【英语数学题】很诡异的sat代数题,算的结果和答案不一致The first of three number is 3 times the second number.The third number is 30 more than the second number.If the third number is represented by t and the sum of the first and 帮忙翻译一哈英文句子公园里种满了更多的树和草,人们积极改善我们的环境,运动保持健康. - =分不算高额人教版课课练上的- -1、负数a与它的相反数的差的绝对值是()2、若三个不相等的有理数的代数和为0,则下面结论正确的是()A、三个加数全为0.B、至少有两个加数是负数.C、 2/3+2/15+2/35+2/63+2/99=? 挺难,不用全算,找自己会的.多项式5x²-4xy+4y²+12x+25的最小值是多少?满足x²-y²=2(y+4)的整数解(x,y)是?设a,b,c是不完全相等的三个数,而且x=a²-bc,y=b²-ca,z=c²-ab,则x,y,z满足 有谁会?算是容易的就是我数学比较烂不会做.1.若x y都是有理数,且|x-1|+|y-2x|=0 试求x+2y的值.2.已知(a-2)的平方与|b+3|互为相反数,求(a+b)的2005次方+b的a次方的值.3.老王到银行存一笔钱存期一 七年级数学题(生活中的数据)人体内一种细胞的直径为4.3微米,用科学记数法表示这种细胞的直径为________米. 1.一个四位数,低位上的两个数字组成的两位数是最高位上的两个数字组成的两位数的2倍,若将低位的两个数字组成的两位数与高位上的两个数字组成的两位数对调,则所得的新四位数比原四位 英语翻译Then I stared to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.不要用翻译网站死搬硬套~ 英语翻译Odd though it sounds,cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics,and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true. 英语翻译1、Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years.Do you think which is better?2、"Piracy"means the publishing,reproducing of a book,CD,VCD,tape,etc,without permission.Are you in favor of 房产面积 英语房地产权属转移面积计征税额 表达面积和人口是多少用英语怎么说 提问: 他的房子是这个地区最好的. 英语怎么说? 一道疑惑的数学题已知函数f(x)=ax+2a+1,当x属于[-1,1]时,f(x)有正值也有负值,则实数a的取值范围为______ 焦急等待,我需要具体的讲解和步骤 一道令我疑惑的数学题一个长50cm,宽30cm,高10cm的长方体铅块,熔铸成一个底面积直径是20cm的圆锥,求这个圆锥的高约是多少厘米?(得数保留整厘米数)(50×30×10)÷[3.14×(20÷2)²]÷1/3=(1 关于一段数学题的疑惑我先用后面的条件:sin(B-A)=cosC由B-A=180-(2A-C).C=A+C-A得sinAcos(A+C)+sin(A+C)cosA=cos(A+C)cosA+sin(A+C)sinA所以tan(A+C)=1.A+C=45与答案是矛盾的.为什么 英语简单提问Is she____something?(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats为什么是选A不是选B呢? 英语提问,急1kangkang is the most popular in his class.=kangkang is _____ _____ than ____ ____ _____ in his class.2all of them tried to slow down.否定句 -_____ of them tried to slow dowm,______.3if each of us follows the traffic tules ,the roa 对……提问,英语How long How soon How far How ofen How many times 分不清它们对什么提问,和用法,最好有例句,方便记忆! 英语提问字典中 写 often cap . 2.a grade rating a student's work as superior 哪个是动词啊 一些英语提问Tom shows great_____in playing football.(inreresting)He_____when he heard the bad news.(freeze)The teacher warned the students not to play with_____.(chemist)The river near our school is badly______.(pollute)The _____symbol for copp 英语 对括号内提问Miss Li is talking to two students ._____ _____ Miss Li ______ _______? 英语 对括号内的提问The meeting started (2 days ago )._____ ______ the meeting ________? 英语对括号内的内容提问(______)括号内:(in the morning)提问:__________? 对括号内提问【英语】【3道】1:Dave and Mary are (having lunch.)2:Tom's father is (lying on the beach).3:Andrew is (talking with his aunt). 英语对括号内的提问怎么写?1、They usually do some reading (in the morning).2、They are (at the butcher's) all the morning.3、She often goes to school (by bikie).4、Mr.Wang is going to Beijing with (his sister).5、(Mr.Wang) will give u XX位于.占地面积.平方米 用英语怎么说? 占地面积的大小和藏书数量的多少 英语怎么说 文言文启蒙读本的解释答案 文言文启蒙读本盗牛解释