
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:53:17
relation relationship connection 都是名词,都有关系的意思,请问怎么区分辨别?relationrelationshipconnection 都是名词,都有关系的意思,请问怎么区分辨别? 已知函数f(x=|x-a|-9/x+a,【有图】 用所给单词填空 He asks me to go to ___one day .(Japan) segment 意思如题,石油领域的 when did he go to japan?japan可以用it还是别的? ---Where ____his farther____(go)?---He ____(go) to Japan.---When____ he ____(be) back?---He ___---Where ____his farther____(go)?---He ____(go) to Japan.---When____ he ____(be) back?---He ____ (be) back in two months. d-d跃迁中电子由低能级跃迁到高能级后怎么了?在高能量轨道上的电子还会迁回低能量轨道么?d-d跃迁中,电子由Eg低能量的d轨道跃迁到高能量的T2g轨道以后,还会迁回Eg轨道么?如果会,那 password和code都解释为"密码"时用法有什么不同 rabbit combination lock如何更换密码(全是英文,看不懂)The lock is set at the manufacturer to open at 000.You can keep it as your own combination,or set a new one as following steps:1:Push yhe button in the durection of the arrow and hold 为什么四面体配合物中的d-d跃迁吸收带比八面体配合物中的d-d跃迁吸收带强? 配位化合物 d-d跃迁 产生d-d 跃迁光谱时,[Co(CN)6]3-与[Co(NH3)6]]3+相比较,前者将吸收波长较长的光 .这句话对吗? 数学题,试求函数f(x)f(x)①x+1 x≤0 ②2x+1 0≤x≤2 ③x∧2在点x=0及x=2处的极限③中范围是x>2 高中f(x)=函数部分数学题?f(x)=三分之一x3+X2+aX2,有两个极值点,过这两点的直线与X的交点在函数f(x)上,求a. 请教segment revenue什么意思在公司年报里面,好像是某年全年利润,但不是很肯定,原文如下:Record Pro Forma Adjusted Reportable Segment Revenues and Pro Forma Adjusted Economic Net Income for the full year 2007 of $3.12 bill 10~14,最好10~15. 如图2-3-3所示,在⊿ABC中,AB=AC,D在AB上,E在AC的延长线上,且BD=CE,连接DE交BC于F,试说明DF=EF图不知怎么画,请指教. Mike will be an astronaut in 10 years.(画线提问)----> in 10 years 英译汉句子consolidation...Consolidation means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination,dispatching the parcels as one consolidated consi 帮我分析一下nuion,combination,alliance,consolidation区别,用法!单词nuion,combination,alliance,consolidation区别,用法! union,consolidation,alliance,combination 这四个单词有什么区别?这是在剑桥商务英语BEC中级的cloze题目中的四个选项,不知道咋样区分, SAP Harmonization 和 SAP Consolidation 有什么区别? 如图,在△ABC中,∠BAC=102°,AD⊥BC于D,且AB+BD=DC,则∠C的大小是? 跳蚤到底能跳多高 求大神帮忙解这套题的不定积分 求大神帮忙解第2题的不定积分 宋朝中的三衙指什么? upstream upstream project Upstream regulators是什么意思?这是分子生物学里面的单词 upstream activities是什么意思?全句是"Right now,upstream activities account for 60 per cent of the total export value,while the rest is downstream activities.Under Natip,we want to reverse the portion," Chin said at a briefing in Putrajaya yes 宋代的机户指什么 辩论——选择越多越幸福——我是第2辩.2辩时间只有两分钟!