
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 08:05:10
teacher造句 当watch为名词,怎么造句 ①2700×(506-499)÷900 ②33.02-(148.4-90.85)÷2.55555 555 我很着急哦 过几天要去面试 该怎么想 我 会一道 谁能教教我吗 这些需要简便运算吗 还是。 Do not feel happy having some sweets right away Do not feel happy having some sweets right away 已知函数y=1/2x+a和y=bx-1/3互为反函数,则a+b=? 已知函数y=2x-a的反函数是y=bx+3,则ab为多少 --Would you like some bread?--I don’t feel like _______now.eatenB.eatingC.to eatD.eat You baseball is on the floor( )the chair is,undei,The,notebook,the,baseball怎么造句? I have the same feeling too.(改为同义句) I have the same feeling __ __. I have the same feeling同义句I______the same______ 有福娃的英文介绍吗 请问谁有关于福娃的英文介绍呀? Would you like some food?Would you like___ ____ eat? I have always been the same想知道这句英文的正确意思 希望专业朋友给解答下 Have you always lived on the same street?中文意思? i like eating ice cream用eat 还是用eating ?请简要说明理由. I like eating ice cream. 另一种形式表达 I like ice-cream.和I like ice-creams.哪个句子是对的?ice-cream 不是可数名词吗,表示喜欢一类的事物,要用复数,第一个句子为什么用单数呢,哪个是对的, 会的进看看第九题的第二问和第三问怎么做,不用写求解过程 告诉我思路就行,拜托各位 ,(如果图看不清楚可以把图保存下来放大了看) 已知△ABC,AB=AC,E在AC上,∠ABE=20度,∠EBC=10度,D在BC上,∠DAB=80度.连接DE,求∠ADE的度数.请继续回答 关于福娃的一段英语短文50个单词左右 有关2008奥运会吉祥物的英语文章 关于福娃介绍的英语文章!急!200个单词左右!演讲要用! y=(m+1)*x的算术平方根+1-m的平方>0,对1/4≤x≤1/2时恒成立,求m的取值怎么做2楼解错了。过几天我写答案。我在百度提问时还解不出,不过想了会儿,会解了! the same feeling as you.是什么意思the same feeling as you这段英文是什么意思 这句子有错误吗:i have exactly the same feeling as you as if i've known you several years外国网友跟我说:"you're such a friendly ,i fell as if i've known you several years"我这样回她有错误吗? The best season to come to China is in spring or a( ). 我与福娃迎奥运的英文文章再把翻译给我就好了,萍mm 手表商SEC是什么意思 I have the same book __you A.with B.as C.to D.for 句型转换I have the same opinion with you.I am on — —