
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:01:08
现在请把卷子交上来”英语怎么说 A-CAMP ,I CAN BUY YOU 伴奏 ,跪求······· 急要 A CAMP唱的 I can buy you的中文歌词,I can buy youA campA life for sanity and dignity no way takes toAnd what’s to use to me a millionaire if I can have youI wanna buy you a home I’ll pay your friends if you’re feeling aloneA pain o 英语翻译我翻译起来怎么怪怪的照1楼说的,应该是I think you can buy a soccer for him 卷一英语怎么说 英语音标( l )在词尾怎么读?如 call pencil ball girl will 这些单词! suggest doing Could he buy the car?为什么用could呢?跟时态有关还是跟语气的委婉有关?和Can he buy the car?的意思是不是不一样? suggest doing sth有这个用法吗? can he buy the car?he is as poor as( can) be.为什么用can W________ the same money ,one can buy a car不是写中文 咀可以组什么词语咀是一个多音字,除了ju的拼音还有什么拼音? I was doing mu homework____the telephone rang,It was my auntAwhen Bwhile Cas Das soon as 从10件物品中任取3件有120中取法,其中的道理是什么?为什么不是10*9*8,而要再除以3*2*1,请简单,准确的解释清楚其中的道理,别直接弄一个C10 3的公式出来,公式我是知道的,想明白它的道理是什么 Where can you see the notice on the right? Where would you see the notice---TICKETS HERE?A.At a cinema.B.In a cafe .c.ON a plane .D.In a hospital Where would you see this notice是什么意思 suggest 后面跟doing sth.还是do sth.说明情况. 生活如什么作文 作文 生活如以“生活如糖”写篇作文,600字左右 除了在班级直接交往外,同学之间还有哪些交往方式? “我们班同学相处的非常愉快”怎么翻? A:What___ thoes?B:___you see?___ ___ desks.A:What are___these desks?B:They're soome markers.连接上面的.A:___ ___are they?B:They're blue. while (gets(c)!=NULL)什么时候会退出这个循环? while(!infile.eof()) 什么作用while(!infile.eof()) //{infile>>s;if(infile.eof())break;a.push_back(s); // } 淡水蚌有哪些? Sorry,the bulletin board has been closed temporarily.在人民网的创先争优七一论坛里出现, While IQ gets you hired,EQ gets you promoted什么意思 No sorry,Never again has been the result,by my troth 人亲不是辱,人怕不是腐,人亲财不亲,人守理不守. 为什么是1而不是-1呢? The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 2,1666.