
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:16:06
填空.“___”就是要填的了.My name is Nic,My___is big.We often have a good time at the weekend.My mum cooks ___us,but she ___wash the dishes.My dad washes the dishes.I like___for things on the Internet. 主语加be动词然后加宾语.是吗.还有我想问关于be动词基本句型希望专业的人,或者是已经熟门熟路的学生回答。 be动词句型公式 专题,Be动词的用法,Be动词句型转换. Not very special lt is the only 具体点 女孩对我说Not very special It is the only(不是很特殊,但却是唯一的)向她表白被拒绝了,她在空间更新到Not very special It is the only(不是很特殊,但却是唯一)她想表达什么意思 how long does it take.造五句并解 英语翻译翻译汉语 ( )2)How long does it take by plane?这句话中TAKE是什么意思A.花费 B.得到 C.拿来 这3个中的一个 好友印象 被人评价Not very special it is the only 什么含义 How long does it take中it代表什么 You not very special It is the only for how long does it take.造五句并答 月的复数months怎么读 请问在英语发音中,th后面跟个s怎么读?比如 three months,Mr.Frith's 请教专家clothes和months如何发音?这两个单词的尾音音标分别为ðz 和θs.我觉得既得发咬舌音又得发辅音比较困难,听起来也有点别扭,我是不是可以在实际操作的时候忽略某部分的发音? months怎么读 DO you think our new classrmate is easy __ along with? Aget B be got C to get D to be got选出正确的选项 并解释一下对的理由 与其他选项错的理由 What do you think of the new-comer?--He is easy__to get along with _.为什么要用with还有哪些需介词谢 the children need not only money and toys but also love谁帮我翻译一下这段话 I think that Bob is easy to get along with,——— ———.改反义疑问句, I think our new teacher is very easy __________.A to get along B to get on with C to get up 首字母填空 I think a friend should be someone w is easy to get along with What Does It Take 歌词 There is a long r______ there. 1.there are tow teacher looking after them中looking after的意思2.hoe long does it take by plane中take的意思3.lamb tiger lion sprout 找出不同类单词 _______a long way to school.应该添it is还是there is? 下列场景你会说什么?英语连线 1.There is a snake.a.Don’t下列场景你会说什么?英语连线 1.There is a snake.a.Don’t talk 2.The tea is hot.b.Don’t cry.3.The pear is bad.c.Don’t move 4.The baby is bad.d.Don’t touch.5.Ann is month加S变成months怎么发音?发音不好打出来 就是+S后 ths 发Z的音吗?还是S不发音 还是像it's的t's的发音? “month”加了个“s”之后变成“months”怎么读? She always finishes her homework.She__leaves it for tomorrow A.always B.never C.usually D.sometime为什么选B 关于英文发音问题:month 和 months发音是一样的吗?我听爱词霸里面是/mʌnθ/和/mʌnθis/ 但我下的有道词典发音两个都是/mʌnθ/,到底是怎样的?顺便问一下新概念里面有个人叫Bill Frith.里