
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:10:02
rise与raise的区别 表示价格上升用raise还是用rise两种我都见过,但老师说用rise 涨价 怎么说用raise 还是rise 涨价 怎么说用raise 还是rise 为什么又涨价了?翻译 物价上涨应该用raise还是rise啊? 说出来的话必须算数 他的话让我感动.改反问句,和疑问句 男子汉说话要算数 改成反问句 化简1+x+x(x+1)+x(x+1)^2+x(x+1)^3+…+x(x+1)^2013 an ____________ of people gathered to watch the (rise) of national flag Who ____(rise) the flag on Monday in your class? Peter ______. How do you spend your National Day?求此英语作文请各位哥哥姐姐们帮个忙 Mr Green is very busy.He often feels tired____(easy).怎么填? 若多项式x^2+ax+16a是一个多项式的平方,求a的值 Mr.Green is very busy.he can't____our meeting this afternoon 计算由平面Z=0及旋转抛物面Z=1-X²-Y²所围成的立体的体积会写的帮做下.感激不尽.把公式和过程写出来,分就是你的 raise rise区别 下面的英文句子有什么不正确的地方吗?有的话请帮忙修改一下、亲/谢谢、Hello everyone.I'm happy to be here.I'd like to intorduce myself.My name is XX.I was born in XX.XX years old.I am a lively girl and very positive in my matlab排序哪个函数计算速度快 matlab中有没有计算冷却速度的工具? 最好是计算凝固过程? scilab计算速度比matlab快吗?和matlab比有什么优势啊 She said she had some trouble her homework.Afinishing Bto finish选哪个可是为什么不选B呢,不定式也可以做定语啊 raise&rise的区别如题. The things she said make me ______ if she is in some kind of trouble.The things she said make me______ if she is in some kind of trouble. A. to wonder B. wonderC. wondering D. wondered这题应该选什么呢?为什 raise和rise的区别? She said she had forgotten( )her homework A did B do C doing D to do rise,raise间的区别? x平方-ax+b能分解成(x-3)(x+4),求a,b的值 Shi is very busy.的同义句 中译英,请帮我译一下.其实公司对客户付款时人民币对美金汇率并没有一定的规定,只要不要与实际汇率相差太多就可以了 英语翻译1.幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了那里.2.他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做.3.玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的.4.甚至在他的医生告诉他患有 青少年进行自我保护时应注意哪些问题? If she doesn't finish her homework,her teacher will be mad at her.(改为同义句)____she____ her homework ,her teacher will be mad at her.