
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:26:19
如图所示,物体A、B用弹簧相连,且2mA=mB,A、B与地面的动摩擦因数均为μ.在力F的作用下,物体系做匀速直线运动.在撤去F瞬间,A的加速度aA= ;B的加速度aB= .(以原F方向为正方向) 与弹簧有关的问题,求临界条件A、B两个物体用轻弹簧相连,竖直放在水平地面上.物块C从B的正上方自由落下,落到B上后立即与B有相同的速度v(但不与B相粘连),一起向下运动,如图6所示.C和B一 光滑水平面上的物体A和B 以轻弹簧连接如图所示,光滑水平面上物体A和B以轻弹簧相连接,在水平拉力F作用下,以加速度a做直线运动,设A和B的质量分别为mA和mB,当突然撤掉力F时, 好不好? turn属于感官动词吗,当感官动词时是什么意思 temperature Electricity temperature是什么意思 We would be very much pleased if he _____( come ). .— How beautiful the dress looks ____ you!Don’t you want _____,Madam?— Please show me _______.A.in; one; another B.on; it; another C.in; it; the other D.on; one; the other I would like very much to be called my father's child.什么语法?我大一! if you know his address,I would be very grateful.为什么用的不是knew而是know呢,该句中would 表示的是过去将来时吗我不懂,请说明为什么用的是know而不是knew temperature什么意思 chaotic circuit什么意思a single transistor chaotic circuit,是射频电路里的,感觉不像是混乱的电路的意思。我做一个毕业文献翻译用的 crossed circuit 34.It would be very safe if you_________ the door_________ to the garden.A.fasten; led \x05 \x05B.will fasten; leadsC.fastened; leading \x05D.fastened; to lead Though the price of the camera is OK,I don't think I'll take it.Though the price of the camera is OK,____I don't think I'll take it.A.but B.and C.yetD.so 你们说是用C,可答案上是B,B不可以吗,C可以放在句首吗? The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I'll take it. A.cheap B.low C.expensive D.high选D,请帮我分析一下, The price of the computer is higher than _______ of the digital camera. the bridge is ---the river 中间加介词 在光滑水平面上的连接体有弹簧连接共速的下一时刻如何运动不是速率,方向应该是一样的。但是个人认为,下一时刻不应该是匀速直线运动吧,因为他这个速度相同应该是瞬时速度相同吧 求一篇英语作文,介绍某人的特别兴趣爱好,你为什么觉得特别,你会那样做吗?为什么或为什么不? think it hard to do 和 i think it's hard to do 有什么区别 我如何对为孩子创造轻松愉快的家庭环境(1000)字 加拿大硕士申请推荐信中,academic referee 和 professional referee有什么区别?另外还有in what capacity?指的是什么?teacher?supervisor? referee和judge有什么区别? Max.gauge area in X 提问中的X 应该是指X轴的意思 要贴切的翻译.不要金山里的解释.回复1楼 我没图 这是在网上找的外国机床设备 设备参数全是英文 Umpire/arbitrator/referee/judge 「裁判」的不同? 电热水壶4L的是多大W的?烧水一次要用多少度电呐? 请教方波和矩形波的区别? Which is a good eating habit?A.Not washing hands before eatingB.Eating different foodsC.Talking much during mealsD.Eating chocolates before meals Why? Little's 联通卡WLAN Direct是什么意思