
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:09:27
make的语法 周公解梦、弗洛伊德解梦、荣格解梦,哪个准确? 用弗洛伊德 或荣格的 理论来分析不要用周公解梦来解释,需要用弗洛伊德 或荣格的 理论来分析,通过梦来分析出最近的心理状态.梦:一个房间里,有前门和后门,屋里有我和另一个人打开后门 周公解梦我今年13岁,属兔,完了,我前几天做了一个梦,梦见我在梦里认识了一位朋友,长的很漂亮,但是因为他和什么坏人在一起过,所以被警察抓去枪毙了,我貌似看见了他的骨灰盒,我很伤心,哭 求周公解梦梦见我在香港绑架勒索未遂,然后逃回大陆,在见了不知道是我妹妹还是我情人之后就去自首,然后服刑 they are my good friends.they help me.填词 They are my good friends.They o_ help me.横线上填什么They are my good friends.They o_ help me.横线上填什么.英语填空, 用1.be good with 2.make friends 3.help sb.with sth.4.on the weekend 各造一句话 The people and the food are very ( ).A.good.B.friends.C.friendly.D.a lot of. The people and the food are very ( ).A.good B.friends C.friendly D.a lot of 具体分析A 帮我翻译一下呗Never mind, I'll find someone like you.     I wish nothing but the best, for you too.    Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said: "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"    Sometimes it last we are good ___,we are very ____(friendly).填空 will的过去式是什么? will有过去式和过去分词吗? They have some good books【用he作主语改为单数句】 根据中文或首字母提示完成下列句子Jane is very nice.We are good f根据中文或首字母提示完成下列句子My skirtis yellow,and my sister's is r we is very good friend 你对过多少人说过呢? will 的过去式 translate from english please帮我翻译两句话,要正确的:1.we both had a hard time lately2.we both went through a lot of trouble to get this done You had better see your doctor.I _____,but he said there was nothing wrong.这里用had还是have will的过去式 把词语补充完:欲岀( )成百( ) 成百上千同义词是什么 跳舞动名词will过去式 写出mistake 、can 、may 、will 、shall 的过去式和过去分词. a pair of new shoes 用one还是ones a pair of shoes 中new加那a pair of new shoes还是a new pair of shoes不确定的请不要说, truble is a friend歌词这是一首英文歌,求歌词,不要链接, a new pair of shoes 还是a pair of new shoes?为什么? will的否定词 请问,will这个词 什么样情况下使用,认定词和否定词又有哪些?我的英语是初学,你们都不写什么意思我也看不懂也,它是过去词还是现代词还是未来词呢? will哪个词的过去式