
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:43:30
he'll use what he has (to buy)her a new dress.为什么不是bought he`ll use what she has ____her a new dress 1.bought 2.to buy 3.buying 4.been bought 广州BEC高级什么时间报名?怎样报? BEC报名一定要本人去吗?代报要带什么? ______ she going to clean the classroom this afternoon ______ .A.Is;Yes,she isB.Is;Yes,she willC.will;yes,she willD.will;yes,she is MENU英文是什么意思 ( )1.We are not going to have____________ classes next week.A.any B.many C.some D.m 1.We____ (have) some classes next week2.There is somebody knocking at the door I ____(go)and open it3.___ he ____(back) in two days? Yes,he will.4.It ____ (snow) tonight. we are ()going to have any classes next week What do you mean the words/realize that time is nothing more thn an abstract concept used to measurWhat do you mean the words?realize that time is nothing more than an abstract concept used to measure the disyance between two points. 翻译what is the modern Greenwich Mean Time like? 判断每组单词的发音是否相同autumn sausage arm aunt august naughty touch australia中 的au的发音 中 的ar和au 中的au 中的ou和auwalk short中的al和or word small中的or和al ( )1、The teacher wants Ben _____ the window.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning Let's me clean the window.修改病句 用me.the.let.clean.window(!)拼一句话 let me clean tho 听说宾语从句只能在动词或者介词的后面啊.这句He told me that he was ill yesterday.是在me后面...不是动词也不是介词啊..我前面好像看过什么宾语补足语,补充说名宾语的.这个是不是宾语补足语.that 现在进行时 将来进行时 结构区别be going to..be doing...是这样的吗?i am cooking.(be doing)i shall be cooking tomorrow morning.(不是be going to...) 判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的× who told you to clean the window?father().he said they are too dirty Atold Bdid CtellingDto told每个答案我都不是很明白麻烦大家帮我一一解释 求冰雪奇缘《Frozen》里的英语台词和好词好句带翻译,20条!在线等! If做“如果”讲,后面什么时态都能跟吗?比如说现在进行时. these day 我们要用什么时态?【现在完成时态 现在进行时态 现在完成进行时态 都可以】 如果是这样,举例说明! 读后猜一猜I have a round face.I have no legs.But I have two hands.What am 读后猜一猜 I have a round face.I have no legs.But I have two hands.What am I 一般疑问句中宾语从句仍然用陈述语序动词要恢复原形吗did you notice that neither marry nor tom __________(come) to the party?这里用陈述语句的话应该是came,那么在一般疑问句中需要恢复原形吗我是说这 宾语从句主句有can,从句动词要原型吗,比如本来要填makes,主句有了can就要用make? 要考BEC证书一定要学英音吗? 2.Lisa's mother bought her a______dress for the Christmas party 请判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的画√,否则画× name late we 【画线部分是e】map name thanks 【画线部分是a】 father age ded 【画线部分是a】 It is 【 a black pen 】 【对括号里的内容提问】 【 】is 我还有一个问题想请教你 判断下面画线的部分的读音是否相同,相同的画"/"不相同的画"X"1.cry ry画线.study dy画线()2.high gh画线.lough gh画线 ()3.queen qu画线.quit qu画线()4.when wh画 优秀共产党员先进事迹材料 连词成句:mother,me ,made,new,a ,on,dress,my birthdaythanks!