
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:08:50
仿写句子和语段:红红的枫叶像一枚邮票,邮来了秋天的凉爽.黄黄的银杏叶像.洁白雪花像. His s___was the result of hard work.We should learn from him本人再上上八年级.几天做到这题有点不明白 这是八B unit4上的 thousand million billion的复数分别是什么? 最后一课上的是什么课?这堂课的特殊含义是什么?有什么教育意义? 《最后一课》中四个“可怜”的意思(初二上课本-第七课)苏教版的 英语翻译THANK YOU! "Do you believe what l said?"Mum asked her son.(改为宾语从句)Mum asked her son_____he______what she said. “no ,please--------.I'll do it myself.”said mary.选项请看问题补充A.didn`t B.couldn`t C.behind D.in 懂英语的来!几个与as soon as 同意的短语 老外日常最爱用哪个the moment / the instant /the minute / the second不带瞎说的昂。真懂的来 他肯定会按时完成这项工作的 He is ____ ____ ____the work on time.三个空== She says that little girls' conversation is less definite than boys' and expresses more doubts remark的中文意思如上述! 卫具销售涉及什么样的会计内容 会计基础中持续经营假设定义中说的可预见的未来怎样理解? ( )Who is ding the work?Is ____Li Ming?A.he B( )Who is ding the work?Is ____Li Ming?A.he B.it 矿泉水在英语中可不可以加s在做练习题.有一道题说根据汉语提示完成句子.其中有一道题是这样的:The are going to the mountains to drink the mineral {[ ](水)}水是不可数名词,可答案给的是waters,说 i have many beautiful stamp 怎么回答? 英语翻译 tipping the velvet Tipping the Velvet的原意是什么?我知道《Tipping the Velvet》是Sarah Waters的处女作,中文名是《轻舔丝绒 》,后来还被BBC翻拍成了一部名叫《南茜的情史》的三集迷你短剧.最近在看这书,也在学英语,vel 南茜的情史 TIPPING THE VELVET怎么样 past the velvet 请问before long and long before 的区别是什么 歌词难题,一首歌的名字叫a little ,a little piece of me it's a little piece of you,歌词大概就是这样,我要她的歌词,大概背景,貌似百度,谷歌搜不到啊, a little less comfortable 求歌词 当暴风雨来临时,我正沿着中心大街走翻译 英语翻译 do u have any songs ____(sound)good to recommend请问应该填什么.请做简要分析 GOOD SONG怎么样 he songs good可以这样说么he songs very good 还是he songs well? good American songsthank you最好是那种旋律比较慢的忧伤或放松的心情的歌曲。 what to do 与how to doI don not know ( ) next,Mr Li.You just do as i told you.A what todoB to do whatC which to doDhow to do但我觉得依题意应选DIt is possible( ) anyone to learn how ( ) .A.on,to cook B.for cooking C.of,to cook D.