
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:44:31
英语句子the artistic contents are very popular with increasingly {加上more }people...为什么句子中 increasingly 加上more increasingly 和 more 全是副词吧?请英语哥,英语姐, There are signs on the rodes.______can people see them?A.Where else place B.Where place else C.Where else D.Other where Forests are no less important than useful.请翻译并分析句子结构, no less important than useful是什么意思 tiring,carefully,quickly,little的比较级形式? better to ……than to……怎么翻译呢,不如?或者说,后一项不如前一项?求大神给个准确点的答案?在线等……………… it is better to wear out than rust away Are I going to get married with you when I grow 1.how many things would you like ——(buy)2.my parents with me ——(be)a police when I grow u1.how many things would you like ——(buy)2.my parents with me ——(be)a police when I grow up.3.The plane ——(起飞)at ten t its better to burn out than to fade 外国国宝 -Do you work in this university?-No,I___it for 3 daysA.just visit /B.am just visiting/ C.had already visited/ D.just visited 为什么选B,而不选C not only but also +is 还是are 就象KURT 的遗言里说的:IT IS BETTER TO BURN OUT THAN ...[外语] 1 7-17 class 由被动的吗?比如说上课 是 class begins 还是 class is begun? done用法done是不是可由V.变adj. 加一个字母成新单词,要写汉语. finish和complete都有“完成”的意思,请问一下它们的用法有什么不同? 翻译reason 英语翻译哪位能帮我把这个曲谱翻译成简谱啊~左右手都要~和声的~只要两个手都翻译成数字就可以了~不用写拍子什么的~比如右手:671 676左手:623671 512567这样就可以~小女子先谢过了~ her work has been left unfinished since then 若错误应该怎样说 求英语语法高手分析这句英语啊~most families,may go together on a ski trip across the snowy countryside.我想问这整句的意思以及它的语法,我最难理解就是on a ski trip across the snowy countryside,它修饰谁?they like t 英语翻译求翻译 Does the lease provide the lessee with exclusivity in relation to the permitted use of premises? If it does not turn up,I will turn it up.翻译!如果翻译的好,刚才四个人的都不对!还有:这句话使用来鼓励自己的 the knod does not —Many thanks.—It is my____. 上句是many problems for your kindness 下句是it is my ___在横线上填词语不要搞太多生词来! i'm confident that i can speak good English.这里的that 从句为什么是状语从句?请结合状语从句的定义加以说明~ 5、中彩那天 是呀,中彩那天父亲打电话的时候,是我家最富有的时刻.为什么说这个时候是我家最富有的时刻呢? 巴尔扎克什么()学家,哪国?爱默生()学家,哪国?快 by that time 为什么不是 从那以后 的意思? The letter is _____ (tear) into pieces .