
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:06:31
各个音标都有那些单词一个音标一个音标的列举 这个单词的音标是什么哦~Cassiopeia teacher worker trick knock spring date lunch try short blouse woman train white hard glass jacket yellow born polite mathsball plan time shine park wait fish gark top keep 我想问大家一个科学的问题,我们经常说要想回到过去,就用时光隧道,时光隧道存在吗,他们有很多人说存在,只是现在的科学没那么发达,还研究不出来,要必须达到光速,我想问的是这个时空隧 人真能穿越时光隧道回到过去或者去将来吗 进击的巨人是讲什么的 怎样才能考出通用少儿英语口语二星,我已经有一次没考出来了.我是快听快答,听听做做,听说相反,看图问答没考出来。 普通话成绩查询,不知道证件编号,和准考证号怎么查呢知道身份证号, 2010河北省英语口语成绩查询怎么查啊 若正比例函数y=(k+2)x的图像经过第一,三象限,则k的取值范围是 正比例函数图像经过第一,三象限,k的取值范围? what are you going to do now?这里的what are you going to是be going 如果是的话那he动词不就是am is are那些吗?这里是you you也是be动词吗?如果you不是为什么这么写 请指教! what are you going do now?是对是错? 人类与野生动物能否和谐相处 (2/2)们怎么做才能让人们都来真正关注野生动物,让人类于动物和谐相处? 雅思不出国考了也有用把~就觉得有了四六感觉工作是不是还不够格阿,一般都考什么证书找外企比较容易的,雅思,托业,不过没有出国的打算 不出国考雅思有用吗?现在还没决定到底要不要出国,或许有这个可能,也或许不出国,如果不出国考雅思有用吗?雅思的有效期是2年,找工作的时候过了有效期2年还能算数吗? 在杭州市,初中可以回原学区就读中学吗? 你觉得我们怎样做才能从根本上让人们真正的关注野生动物上各种动物与人类和谐相处呢 I can help you w____your homework Can I help you for your homework? 请问这句英语表达的是什么意思?How heavy is this fabric?I'm planning on making pocket squares and scarves and am looking for lightweight silk.Thank you. 1 European football is played in 80 countries,( ) it the most popular sport in the world A making B makes C made D to make2 Hearing the news,he hurried home ,( ) the book ( ) on the table A leaving;lying open B leaving';lie opened C left;lay opened D 1.The train ( )she was traveling was late .A which B where C on which D in that .为什么选C2.He was born in the year ( )the Anti-Japanese War broke out .A which B when .C on which D on which为什么选B3.This is just the place ( )I am longing t She had run back in the direction ____ she had come此处为什么用 in which .什么用法,请具体分析下.Is this school ______ they built last year?为什么一定要用 the one 不能用which/that. 1.The old lady ______ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.A.took B.suffered C.suffered from D.stood 答案是B.请问B和C有什么区别吗?D为什么不可以呢?2.It's just ______ among countries to host the Olympic 1 Why didn't you go to mike's birthday party yesterday Well,I ( ) ,but I forgot it .A should B would C should have D must have.2 His conlusion ,( ) on careful research ,was acceptableA to base B to be based C basing D based3 Do you doubt ( ) I believ 求问高一英语1.It's the first time that Brandi_______China,so she is excited about everything here.A,has visited B.visited C.is visiting D.visits2.The food in the restaurant________good!You are right.I always come here to eatA,tastes B,is tast 08年秋《大学英语》(一)作业2(11-25)11.Getting off the bus,___.A.his purse was lostB.he found his purse lostC.he found his purse losingD.his purse was missing满分:4 分12.How many more exercise-books do you have ___?A.to correctB 1He asked me what was the matter with me.为什么不是what the matter was with me.不是要陈述语序吗?2it's important for us to employ a word or a phraseaccording to the situation in language studies这句话是什么意思,为什么这里要 1.这两个定语从句:I’ll never forget the days( )we studied together.括号内填的是that,但为什么不用when呢?I’ll never forget the days( )we visited together,这个括号内填的是when,为什么不用that呢?2.We have the 1.It is necessary to make your decision____everybody.A.known to B.know C.known by D.known for2.My dictionary has disappeared.Who _____ have taken it?A.need B.must C.could D.would 3.They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to____.A.sp